d@_N@MeLEz$! profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

anyway name aku duha.....msti jrg korg dgr name cam ni kan?name pnoh aku WAN MOHD DUHA B WAN ABDULLAH.....aku asl dr karak,phg....ank jati phg la ni......aku ni sorg pminat muzik.....x ksah la aper jns pon aku lyn....hindustan pon aku lyn.....aku gk mnt xtvt brhtn ni....cm brburu ke....mncing ke....cmping ke....ape2 la yg brkaitan dgn htn n kg ni....coz aku org kg....aku bngga jd org kg.....skrng ni aku idup sorg2.....sumer dh tngglkn aku....huhuhuhuhu.......sedeynyer.....kdg2 2 rs cm siot jer nk idup lg.......tp aku still idup gk.......bl la aku mati ek????sok???luse????klo bleh aku nk mati cpt....tp bkn bunuh dr la.....2 dose namenyer......mati dlm keadaan x sdr la mksudnyer......cm xcdent ker...trminum racun ker....skt yg bleh membawa maut ker.....tp klo bleh aku nk mati ngan cr elok la.......n brgaya....mati cam harimau kumbang dlm komik wira tunggal 2....pergh!!!!mmg mati ngan stylo abiss....ahakz!!!!sooooo senang citer aku ni mmg klo bleh nk mati.....lg cpt lg bgus.....x nyusahkn org.....kn???aku nk igtkn korg kt sbg umt islam wajib mengingati kematian....tp jgn la korg ikut aku plak nk mati cpt.......sian kt malaikat 2 maut nk cbut nyawa korg.....ramai 2.....hehehehehehehe.......so aku x tau nk tls ape lg.....nnt klo korg nk tau lg tnya la aku k?anyway......[People=SHIT]!!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

klo bleh aku nk cr membe2 br bnyk2......klo yg lame2 cam dh lost cntact 2 klo jmper page aku ni add la aku....aku ni jns x memilih membe....pompuan ke.....lelaki ke sume aku on jer.......so korg klo jmpe page aku ni add la aku k?

My Blog


Here we go again motherfuckerCome on down and see the idiot right heretoo fucked to beg and not afraid to careWhats the matter with calamity anyways?right? get the fuck out of my faceunderstand I cant...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 17:35:00 GMT


She seems dressed in all the ringsOf past fatalitiesSo fragile yet so deviousShe continues to see itClimatic hands that pressHer temples and my chestEnter the night that she came homeForeverOh (She's ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 04:47:00 GMT