Intro laa dulu...nama aku Muhammad Fazri...panggil faz boleh, panggil ri boleh, panggilayie pon bleh...asalkan sedap telinga mendengar...tinggal plak kat hostel buat masa nie coz blaja lagik...kat JB Senai...amik kos DIT...umah btol biasa laaa kat masjid tanah, melaka...sesaper org melaka tuh...singgah2 lah kat umah..pastu aper lagi haa?? haa umur plak baru 19 thn...nak kater tua...x plak sederhana jerk...tahun 1985..Kalo nak tau aku dah minat kat sorang dj nih...memang sweet orgnyer!!! diharap dj tuh jgn terasa... huahehehehe..... ;p^_^SipuTSeduT^_^-28 April 2004- -4:45 pagi-.. TWO STEPS TO INSTALL PATRIOTIC FADER:1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document· Add the .. event handler into the BODY tag --.. STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document --.. LANGUAGE="JavaScript".. This script and many more are available free online at --.. The JavaScript Source!! --.. Original: Dominic Canare ([email protected] ) --.. Web Site: --.. Beginvar i=0, bg=0, bgI=1, cNum=1;var cArray = new Array(4);var hex = new Array(30);cArray[0]="FF0000";cArray[1]="FFFFFF";cArray[2]="0 000FF";cArray[3]="FF0000";cArray[4]="FFFFFF";hex[0]="00";hex [1]="09";hex[2]="11";hex[3]="1A";hex[4]="22";hex[5]="2B";hex [6]="33";hex[7]="3C";hex[8]="44";hex[9]="4D";hex[10]="55";he x[11]="5E";hex[12]="66";hex[13]="6F";hex[14]="77";hex[15]="8 0";hex[16]="88";hex[17]="91";hex[18]="99";hex[19]="A2";hex[2 0]="AA";hex[21]="B3";hex[22]="BB";hex[23]="C4";hex[24]="CC"; hex[25]="D5";hex[26]="DD";hex[27]="E6";hex[28]="EE";hex[29]= "F7";hex[30]="FF";function BgFade() {if (cNum==1) {FadeRed();}else if (cNum==2) {FadeWhite();}else {FadeBlue();}}function FadeRed() {bg+=bgI;if (bg29) {bgI*=-1;}else if (bg 29) {bgI*=-1;}else if (bg 29) {bgI*=-1;}else if (bg.... STEP TWO: Insert the .. event handler into your BODY tag --.. Script Size: 2.03 KB --