EMPIRE would like express its gratitude to each and every one of you for supporting us through the years. since 1999, we've had almost a decade of good times. special thanks goes out to See For and Burger of the OUTSKERTZ, to Fingazz and Alonys of Streetlight Productions, Sly Boogie and Dirty Birdy, Doc Stank, Tyrant, Magnificent Ruffiians, Cecilia the Mamacita and Vanya, B-Boy, Tony da Skitzo, Homeless Nation, Diamonique. Triune, Okie Doke, D-Dizzle, The Bloche, Stiko and the Bandit, and Cracka Jack.some of you have been down with us since day one. and some of you just got to know us. thanks to everyone who ever gave EMPIRE an ounce of love.it is with a heavy heart that we will conclude all projects and lay to rest what we've worked so hard to build. but the music, the clothes, the art, and especially the people were worth every second of our time and every drop of our sweat. we hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we did. may you live life well and prosper.the following will soon be inactive...
the website WWW. URBANTEMPLE. US
this email
[email protected] (also all emails for graphic designers and artists)
the myspace page www. myspace. com/mpyr
the 800 line (800)313.MPYRif you still have an EMPIRE VIP pass... you may redeem it one last time at the next OUTSKERTZ performance.you can leave messages for jojo, Rhazel, Felicia, and Niko at
[email protected] or
[email protected] and blessings.~ jojo kealoha
"he who protects the world as he would protect his own flesh, may be entrusted with the care of my EMPIRE" ~jk