A new employer. . .Sam Clemens, Horatio Nelson/Lord Cochrane/Capt. Collingwood 0r any RN officer of the Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars--they gave good parties!, Maddy Pryor, Johnette Napolitano, John Coutts, Neil Gaiman, Steven Brust, Roger Zelazny (rest his soul!), Deb Tannen, Harville Hendrix, Geoffrey Ashe, . . .milites Artorius aka Artorius Rex aka King Arthur, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Gerald of Wales . . . Clever people, witty people, people of the poetic persuasion; kinky people, pervy people, people of the non-vanilla occasions. . .Anarchists of the World. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .leave me alone. I want people who will _unite_ against oppression, not wank off to no use.Judas. I think he was the victim of a whispering campaign. Ditto Queen Mebhdh. Yeti, Bigfoot, Nessie, Ogopogo . . .Bueller?Artemis Antone? Kelly Ashton? Stacey Burke? Lorelei? Anastasia Pierce? Kim Marvel Girl? Alexis Taylor? Elise de Medici? Krupskaya. Catherine the Great. Setanta, aka the Hound of Culain. Owein Glyn Dwr, Hywel Dda, Dylan Thomas. Llewelyn Fawr, Tom Jones, Tom Baker, Paul Darrow, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Shirley Bassey, the Alarm