I used to work too much.. but now.. IDGAF (If you don't know what that means.. then I aint tellin'.. LOL)
Interests... Too Many to list. I do have a mental list of things I want to do and experience in my life. Some of the things are what I have my website for.
You Are Rum
You're the life of the party, and a total flirt
You are also pretty picky about what you drink
Only the finest labels and best mixed cocktails will do
Except if you're dieting - then it's Diet Coke and Bicardi all the way
What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
Newest Tat
Nex Tat to get.. Unforgiven..
If you don't already know why.. then you may never know ( and NO its NOT cause of the song).
Frank The Tank may explode without warning
From Go-Quiz.com
People who are not judgmental. Like to meet people who like to have fun but also like to just be mellow and hang out (like watching movies at the house or something) Real peeps. People that don't put up a front. Oh ya... and these katz.. LOL
Homie D Clown (not Pictured)
and Dr Evil
Porn sexin music... Ya.. you know what I'm talking about ya freak ;) LOL
I like almost any kind of music... anything that has a good rhythm to it and what mood I'm in..
Freestyle (I love me some Freestyle)
etc... (What ever I have in my iPod) ;)
The Pr0n... THE PR0N !!!... LOL... JK
I like all kinds of Movies really... depends on what mood Im in really...
(but I do like the pr0n too... don't get it twisted ;)... DON'T HATE )
Somtimes too busy going out w/friends or "geekin'" out to watch TV. But when I do, Its ususally CSI or one of the umpteen DVDs I have. LOL
My two younger brothers, David and Michael. After all of the crap I put them thru growing up, they turned out OK. I love you guys!!!