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I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

I like dancing, reading, hanging out with friends, watch TV and movies, listen to music, travel around Israel and around the world. I like the sea and the beaches, I like the summer and hot wether, but little snow won't do any harm (as far as I live in the desert....) I like our desert especially at sunsets. I like sports, I like playing billiard though I suck in it,I adore my family and friends, I like family meetings, holidays selebration, parties. Love the camera and like to poze :P. Try to document every single event in my life. Like to write, but only for my drawers, enjoy shopping and fassion (like any other healthy female on this earth), Coffiee shops and Pubs, digging in the internet. Like pets and consider myself to be a big animals lover. And more than everything I like having fun and I try to enjoy life as much as possible!!! :)

I'd like to meet:

All the people who rule our world in order to ask them why it looks so terrible, the most happy person on the planet to learn from him a little, the person who invented the coffee to thank him :P.Here I would like to meet as much more interesting people as possible. :)


I listen to almost any kind of music that exists, so it'll be a too long list to write.


Big movies and movie stars fan- adore Jonney Depp!! Pirates of the Caribbean, Crash, The Departed, Dirrty Dancing, Shindler's List, Million dollar babe, West side storys, Armagedon, The notebook, Finding Neverland, Pulp Fiction, Eurotrip, American pie, Scary movie and all the other bizzar and helerious teen movies...Basicly, I enjoy every movie that makes me cry, laugh, feel frightened, surprised or tuches me in any other way :).


Prison Break, The Sopranos, Grey's anatomy, One tree hill, Shark, How I met your mother, Family guy and some others that I can't remember thier names...


Harry Potter, The Lord of the flies, The outsiders, Da vinci code and the list goes on...