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About Me

Hello louts!My illustrious name is Kefka Palazzo; humble villain from the renown and much loved RPG extraordinaire; Final Fantasy 6 (or final fantasy 3 if your a yank... or just too tired to count). Come now kiddies and I'll tell you a tale of daring and excitement... or at least of Square Soft's ubiquitous accumulation of wealth when they outsold any other game in history WOO WOO WOO! At any rate at the beginning of our story I was but a humble and mild mannered servant of an empire based out of an overly industrialized city named Vector. And like all good overly industrialized cities in Japanese video games there were certain individuals who wanted power and didn't mind crossing bio-ethical lines to get it. You see there was an ancient race of magically imbued monsters near our beloved Vector, known as Espers, and our city's leader, the beloved if not Machiavellian Emperor Ghestal thought that Espers should be rounded up like so many filthy unwashed children during a "civic renewal" campaign, and have their "magical" blood drained from their "magical" bodies to "magically" be shoved into battle robots and peoples skulls. Being the loyal subject that I was, no doubt I was the first volunteer be be surgically enhanced for the fore mentioned magical abilities. Of course since this is in fact a Japanese video game the surgery went HORRIBLY wrong and I went crazy, becoming extremely misanthropic and nihilistic. But no one knew that at the time except me... WOO WOO WOO!. At any rate the Empire made a classic bid for world domination, which of course in final fantasy tradition was undone by a thief, a body builder, and a dancing Moogle (a white and furry creature about 3 ft. high that seems to exist for the purpose of Japanese companies creating a line of book bags with said creature as the logo). Also before said world domination was put to an end I committed several of what the UN would label as "war crimes". I poisoned to death the entire population of a major city, I created the an entire factory dedicated to the enslavement/ slaughtering of the Espers all so their bodies could be drained of all magical properties and placed into weapons which came to be known as "magiteck weaponry". I also was responsible for the murder of my fellow Imperial work associate the goody "two-shoed" General Leo: a man who I killed out of spite and self amusement more than anything else... also he tried to stop me from murdering orphans... whatnot. Eventually to save the whole world domination scheme Ghestal and I found a sort of magical weapons cache in the form of the three petrified goddesses that created magic of course the first chance I got I drained the statues of their power, hit my boss with lightning! And since we were very high up; the statues were on some crazy floating continent, I then pushed him off said continent. After that I decided to move the statues, arranged in a sacred formation that kept the tectonic plates of the planet alighed, of course; out of order, causing the death and destruction of millions! I then set about to rearrange the planet as I saw fit. Started living at the top of an evil tower, blasting orphans with space lasers, and generally being a jerk WOO WOO WOO! Of course all good things must come to and end, and eventually in Square Soft fashion, I was of course defeated, not to mention "de-headed" by... thief, a body builder, and a dancing Moogle... and all before I could wipe out existence too. Poop.Well, for rearranging the face of the planet, killing my boss, and generally causing destruction and mayhem on a scale nearly never seen before (or since) in video games, I didn't have a bad run. Some even say (including myself) that I'm the greatest video game villain there ever has been.I'm Kefka, and it's time for a little magicite mayhem! OUCH!Time for a little snow-bound bloodshed. Kefka action figure...?


What kind of pirate am I? You decide!
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All the folks whats bought my game, but of course everyone is welcome here... even Sephiroth... caugh (he likes boys) caugh! MyGen Profile Generator

My Blog

Kefka and space

Kefka is intrigued by the vastness of space!He (or she) who presents kefka with a gif.of the spinning clouds of Jupiter, as viewed from the inside of the planet, shall receive a prize!You know... like...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:29:00 GMT

Do as kefka bids!

Hello boys and girls, er... whatever...Go buy things from Kefka’s wacky sewing friend on the above mentioned dates!Premium cult membership for those who obey!Buy something and not get hit by the...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:51:00 GMT

Kefka’s critique

There are many criticisms that can be leveled (no pun intended) against videogames today;They have shallow plots lineThey have poor dialogueThey often rely on "graphics" or gimmicks instead of "game p...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 21:52:00 GMT

My most intimate and personal thoughts.

Posted by on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 17:47:00 GMT

My theme song!

UWEHEHE!Boys and girls or... whatever.Take a listen to a sound that actually beats a thousand voices screaming in unison.My theme song is finally on my sight!
Posted by on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 19:41:00 GMT

Kefka's 4/20 blog duuuuuuuuude...

Visa vi Mel BrooksHey pot smokers! Guess whos the birthday boy!
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:55:00 GMT

FF6 Advanced

Hey there boy and girls or whatever.  I hear tell there's a lot of confusion and bru-ha-ha over that new version of Final Fantasy 3 for the game boy advance, and son of a submariner if I haven't ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 00:23:00 GMT


At last!  I have found a suitable way to block out the sun!  This foul and most unpleasant "orb" for too long has burnt my flesh and mocked me as I have strolled about the top of my tower!&n...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:47:00 GMT


Son of a submariner!  I hate having to use midi files.  I'm sorry, it's just that in the personal opinion of this perticulare psycopathic clown having to resort to a midi file for my ho...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 21:56:00 GMT

Music-cite mayhem!

I much enjoy the song "shopping" by the "Barenaked Ladies", in fact I like the barenaked ladies in general!  The song's just so poppy!  And I imagine myself and various evil pals (ArchChannc...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Aug 2005 20:15:00 GMT