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i'm an oregonian. what can i say..rain and shine and sometimes both at the same time. a good loud windy storm...not a health freak but i'm trying. i have lived here all my life but have been able to travel out quite a bit. i want to see all the states. there's a lot i haven't seen of this great land. i also want to see all the countries. ok, not All countries, but most the top 4 being Italy, Greece and Africa and one day go to england and get the english boy to show me around we're working on winning the lottery so i can do it all. a nice motor home and see everything. so no one else play? Ok. sweet. because i also want to buy my own island...then the fun really begins! ok and i'm a bit of a hippy. did i say that already? short term memory and all, ya know. where was i? oh, yeah, just peace and love, baby !! make love not war !! hippie with a little bit of conservative redneck thrown in for color. oh, yeah, i'm 1/16 cherokee and 1/16 sioux. bit of italien. you might say a mix and proud of it all. i'll suprise you. but i be what i be.i love my family, my beastie kids. dante my german rotty, hera isis my siamese, hondo my manx, our new baby together ben and our new adopted boy floyd the pakistani gecko. and my baby the englishman. yes we are the freakin UN around here i try to remember to watch, learn and experience. and to remember there are beings watching me as well. so not to get caught. heehehe