My name is Danielle and I am currently very busy being a full-time BadAss; I need to meet another BADASS who can understand the hardwork and dedication it takes to be a full-time badass. If you are not a dedicated badass please do not ask to be MYSPACE pals because I will say "NO"...and it will waste my time and your time; mine, of course, being more important. To prove my BADASS status, read the following.I like to:Fuck shit up.
Put down your mom.
Drink from a keg upside down.
Break bottles over other bitches' heads.
Eat pop-tarts without toasting them.
Chew lightbulbs.
Hang out with Chuck Norris.My resume could extend a few more pages, but you get the drift. And, finally, if you buy this you are obviously a dumbass....not a badass, which, of course, I am...24/7.
Vintage Myspace Layouts