Click Here For Lopez
Click Here For Lopez
Member Since: 08/03/2007
Band Members: Lopez - guitars, vocals. Joey Python on Skins! Special Thanks to MC for backups on 'Body On The Beach'! Royce, for help on the backkups on 'The Lion'. Recently, thanks to Big Bad Cam for suggesting the downpicking challenge on 'Go 2 Hell' , and, yes, that's Dr. Frank's 'Night of The Hunter', with us singing and him wailing on the guitars, plus him on the solo for 'Bad Yellow 80'! Now, super thanks to Steph Reid (see:Steph 'Hello Tiger' Reid) for her awesome sounds on 'Same Channel' - we'll do more! Next on the list is Heath Fenton from Last Plague (their new cd is BADASS), roughing-up your right speaker on 'Doin' It Right' - thanks bud! Now we get to add songstress Marnie Mains (check out her supergood music!!), who dropped by and nailed 'Sweetheart' , a lullaby that Lopez remembers from long ago... Wow! And, As always: Good Job to The Chains, who always come over after a hard day's work, sing their hearts out, and always watch my back...
Influences: alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar
Sounds Like: With the learning curves of "Lopez’ Demos" and "Secondos" outta the way, CHAINS is working on a third set of tunes. Thanks to all of you who checked out the 50 or so experiments so far - your comments and criticisms were awesome!
Record Label: What’s a "record"?