About Me
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I'm Sophie, and I'm an intelligent human being.
I'm single & 16 years of age with the maturity of someone much older.
I'm tall in body (5'9") and ambition.
I live in Blue Springs, and I can't wait to escape.
I am employed at Hot Topic; I really like it.
I don't ruin myself with drugs/alcohol/cigarettes: I've seen firsthand the negative effects these can have on a life.
I have flaws: I'll generally care more about you than you will about me, and I get attached easily, but I mean no harm.
I try to say what I mean and mean what I say.
I love being silly, laughing, and having fun with people.
I volunteer at an animal shelter quite a bit. You could say I'm an extreme animal person: the place just does something to me.
I dream of going to college in Hawaii, Florida, or Texas.
I have a bunch of stars tattooed on my lower back, and I want more tattoos. I love changing my appearance; it makes me feel updated.
I'm the kind of girl that gets passed up for a slutty girl: the one who is just 'the friend,' the one that would rather cuddle and watch a movie than go out somewhere, the one who will not fuck you over if I have any say in the matter. Someone will recognize this in me someday, but until then I am okay on my own.
I love all cats (especially my Notabbe), Ghost Hunters, photography, Asian salads, postsecret, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Stephenie Meyer books, Harry Potter, good grammar and spelling, exotic animals, marine biology, and spelunking.
I hate animal cruelty, Samara (& other creepy dead people), bees, deforestation, whaling, real fur coats, bad grammar, bad spelling, and wasps.
I'm in a "band" called DCS. I love Guitar Hero World Tour. :D
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