Tia profile picture


Ima keep on waitin.....waitin for the world to change....

About Me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
Beauty, Body and Social/Opposite Sex Survey
What is your name?: Tia
How old are you?: 17
What color are your eyes?: green
What color hair do you have?: brown
Do you consider yourself good looking?: yeah
Do you wear make-up?: yeah
If so, what do you usually wear?: eye shadow and a lil lip gloss
Do you color/perm/relax your hair?: naw i got that good hair no need for that
If so, how long does it take you to manage it?:
How long is your hair?: middle of my back
How often do you wash it?: every 2-3 day's
What products do you use on it?: biolage hair products
Body Image
How tall are you?: 5'10
Do you like your height?: yeah i love being tall
What part of your body are you most insecure about?: my lil cha cha's lol
Do you dress to show off your body?: no not at all
Do you work out a lot to achieve a healthy body?: i just like working out im skinny period
Do you eat healthily?: sometime not really though
Do you like your body?: yes i love my body
Do you worry often about what others think about your body?: no i dont really care what others say
Do you have a lot of friends?: yeah i have a lot of friends
How many close friends do you have?: t.beasley, shayla banks, shay frye
Do you think you have an attractive personality?: i think im a cool person to hang around
Can people trust and rely on you?: yeah always
Can you trust and rely on your friends?: yeah always
What do you like do do with your friends?: go out to eat , b-ball games, movies, shopping, party's the same stuff over again,
What do they do that annoys you the most?: nothing really we all get on each other nerves
How often do you fight with them?: never really but me and shayla will argue on myspace all day cuz she slow
Who is your best friend?: my mommy
The Opposite Sex
When was your first kiss?: I think 8th grade
How was it?: it was straight.
Do you remember the day it happened?: yeah it was our 8th grade trip to cedar point and me and my first boy friend kissed on the back of the bus.lol.
Have you ever told someone you loved them?: yeah
Has anyone seriously said they loved you?: yeah
Have you held someone's hand?: yeah
Slowdanced?: yeah
What is your idea of the perfect kiss?: i dont know i really aint into kissing.
Have you ever been in love?: yeah twice
Do you have a bf/gf?: no nobody want to my boyfriend:( lol
If not, do you have a crush?: no i'm not really intimidated by any man.
Are you a flirt?: no i'm a sweetie
How many bfs/gfs have you had?: 2
Has anyone ever been in love with you?: yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no not at all it's called dang he fine i gotta have em.
What is the furthest you have gone with the opposite sex?:
If so, were you emotionally attatched to this person?:
Do you believe in love, period?: yeah
What do you want to be when you grow up?: a top chef with resturant's all over the world
Do you plan on marrying?: yeah i would like to be some luckyman's wife.
What makes life a success?: to do everything i ever want to do with my life
Who is the person you trust the most?: god then my mom
Do you get along with your family?: yeah some what
Are you happy with who you are?: yeah i'm happy with my self
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My Interests

? A. B. 0. U. T. M. E. ?
bAsiiC iiNf0
NaMe: Natia
NiiCkNaM3s: Tia or Tee
BiiRtHdAii: august 19
BiiRtHpLaCe: flint
SiiGn: LEO
LoCaTii0n: Michigan
StRaiiGhT/ Bii/ GaY: straight
JoB: dont need one
HaiiR CoLoR: brown
EyE CoLoR: green
HeiiGhT: 5"10
EtHniiCiiTii: Native American and African American
PiiErCiiNgS: my ear's
TaTt0oS: none yet
CoLoR: lilac
MoViiE: The notebook
T.V. Sh0w: Run's house and family guy
AniiMaL: Dont like animal's
Fo0d: THe ultimate feast at red lobster
DriiNkK: kool aid and milk
AlCoHoLiiC DriiNkK: i dont know yet i dont drink like that.
CaR: White 2006 Range Roover Cromed out w/ Tan interior w/ 22's so classy
Daii 0f Da WeEkK: friday
SeAs0n: Spring / Summer
SoNg: Ribbon in the sky by Stevie Wonder
Sp0rT: Soccer!!!!
RaDii0 StAtii0n: 102.7
ReStuRaNt: Bene Hanah's (japenese food)
TeAcHeR: Dont have a favorite teacher i hate every last one of them !!!!
ClAsS: Skill Center
HoLiiDaii: Spring Break
Qu0tE: Dont tell someone you love, that you hate them because you might not ever get to tell them how you really feel.
Bo0kK: Tuesday's with Morrie
MaGaZiiNe: Source
Fl0wEr: a sunflower
MeMoRii: before my mom and dad seperated and when my granpy and both my brother were alive.
T.v. ChAnNeL: Channel 49 The Food Channel.
PeRs0n uu HuuGeD: my lil brother mario
PeRs0n uu KiiSsEd: my lil brother mario
ThiiNg uu SeD: you get on my nerves
ThiiNg uu Ate: Some chicken noodle soup
iiMeD: dont have it
TeXteD: Andre
uu CalL3d: Mommy
CalLeD uu: Shanny
PeRs0n uu SaW: Shanny
uu HaVe A LoNg CoNv0 WiiT: Shay
PrEtTiiEsT: all of them are pretty
StuPiiDeSt: no one is stuppid
SmArTeSt: Shay frye
BeSt PaReNtS: spencer matthew's
LoUdEsT: Shayla banks
FuNnIeSt: Aaron Jackson
CrAzZiiEsT: Mikey l
Sp0iiLeD MoSt: Shayla
MoSt Shy: Spencer
AlWaYz HaS A Bf/Gf: Brandon but you'd never know
AlWaYz HaS PaRtiiEs: shay
BeSt GuRl FriiEnD: dont know
BeSt GuY FriiEnD: dont know
Kn0wN Da LoNgEsT: Shay frye
Kn0wn Da Sh0rTiiEsT: Shayla banks
LukK Up 2 Da MoSt: Shayla B
MoSt LiiKeLy 2 PaSt OuT DrUnKk: A jackson or spencer
DiiZ oR DaT
SuMmEr oR WiiNtEr: Summer
DoG oR CaT: dog
PePsii oR CoKe: pepsi
CeLlPh0nE oR iPoD: cell phone
OcEaN oR Po0l: ocean
BlAcK oR WhiiTe: black
Ch0c0LaTe oR VaNiiLa: chocolate
Fl0wErS oR CaNdY: candy
RoCk oR RaP: rap
T.v oR MoViiE: movie
AiiM oR MySpAcE: myspace
StArS oR HeArTs: stars
BrAcElEt oR NeCkLaCe: necklace
GoLd oR SiLvEr: silver
BrUnEtTe oR Bl0nDe: brunette
KiiSsEs oR HuuGeS: huggs
PeN oR PeNciiL: pen
iiN Da PaSt MoNtH
DrAnK: no
Sm0kEd: no
FaiiLeD A TeSt: yeah
HaD SeX: no
BeEn HoMe AloNe: yeah
StAyEd HoMe FrM Sk0oL: no
BeEn 2 Da MaLl: tooo many times
BoUgHt A Bo0k: no
BeEn 2 A Sh0w oR CoNcErT: no
YeLlEd At SoMe1: all day every day
GoT iiNt0 A FiiGht/ ArGuMeNt: yup today had put a chick in place
CriiEd 2 A FriiEnD: yep to my sister
ToLd Da TruTh: all the time
ToLd A LiiE: yeah
BeEn OuT oF StAtE: no
iiN uuR Ro0m
uuR OwN Ph0nE: yeah
uuR OwN Ph0nE LiiNe: no
VcR: no
DvD PlAyEr: no
RaDii0: yeah
CoMpUtEr: no
PoStErS: no
oF WhAt: painted walls
PiiCtUrEs: nope
oF Wh0: painted walls
TaKeN oR SiinGlE: single
GoT A CrUsH: yeah on a carmen /central boi
NaMe Plzz: starts with an e.lololol
LaSt PeRs0n uu SeD ii LuBzz uu: cant remember
10 PpL Wh0 MeAn Al0t 2 uu
1 ::: god
2 ::: mommy
3 ::: mario
4 ::: shanny
5 ::: lay lay
6 ::: granny
7 ::: nicol
8 ::: jaron
9 ::: jalen
10::: delon and uncle tim
9 ThiiNgS uu LuBzz
1 ::: my mommy
2 ::: my family
3 ::: my money
4 ::: my food
5 ::: my snacks
6 ::: my cookie dough ice cream
7 ::: my skill center family
8 ::: my house
9 ::: my car
8 ThiiNgS uu HaTe
1 ::: fake people
2 ::: liars
3 ::: ugly boy's
4 ::: teachers
5 ::: stipid girl's
6 ::: boy's that have no future
7 ::: cute boy's with no conversation or personality
8 ::: nasty food at a good resturant
7 ThiiNgS uu CaN't LiiVe WiiToUt
1 ::: my mommy
2 ::: my money
3 ::: my food
4 ::: mario
5 ::: my clothes
6 ::: my house
7 ::: my family
6 ThiiNgS uu WeAriiNg RiiTe NoW
1 ::: rocawear coat
2 ::: silver jeans
3 ::: rocawear t-shirt
4 ::: some black flats
5 ::: one sock lol
6 ::: under garmets
5 ThiiNgS uu'D RaThEr B DoiiNg
1 ::: eating something cause im hungryyyy
2 ::: chilling with a friend
3 ::: shopping
4 ::: on the beach in miami
5 ::: baking some real soft and warm cookies
4 oF uuR FaVoRiiTe St0rEs
1 ::: The grocery store
2 ::: Target
3 ::: Walmart in grand blanc
4 ::: any mall other then the valley
3 ThiiNgS uu'D TaKe 2 A DeSsErTeD IsLaNd
1 ::: my mommy
2 ::: mario ( lil bro)
3 ::: A grocery store with free food
2 oF uuR FaVoRiiTe ThiiNgS
1 ::: the refridgerator
2 ::: the atm machine
1 PeRs0n uu MiiSs RiiTe NoW
1 ::: my brother marde
AiiM: dont have
MsN: dont have
YaHo0: dont have
DiiD uu..
LiiKe Da SuRvEy: yeah it was kinda long now im super hungry
WiiSh iiT WeRe 0vEr 5 MiiNuTeS Ag0: yeah maybe my belly wouldnt be makin these noises
LiiE BoUt AnYtHiiNg: naw
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