? A. B. 0. U. T. M. E. ?
bAsiiC iiNf0
NaMe: Natia
NiiCkNaM3s: Tia or Tee
BiiRtHdAii: august 19
BiiRtHpLaCe: flint
SiiGn: LEO
LoCaTii0n: Michigan
StRaiiGhT/ Bii/ GaY: straight
JoB: dont need one
HaiiR CoLoR: brown
EyE CoLoR: green
HeiiGhT: 5"10
EtHniiCiiTii: Native American and African American
PiiErCiiNgS: my ear's
TaTt0oS: none yet
CoLoR: lilac
MoViiE: The notebook
T.V. Sh0w: Run's house and family guy
AniiMaL: Dont like animal's
Fo0d: THe ultimate feast at red lobster
DriiNkK: kool aid and milk
AlCoHoLiiC DriiNkK: i dont know yet i dont drink like that.
CaR: White 2006 Range Roover Cromed out w/ Tan interior w/ 22's so classy
Daii 0f Da WeEkK: friday
SeAs0n: Spring / Summer
SoNg: Ribbon in the sky by Stevie Wonder
Sp0rT: Soccer!!!!
RaDii0 StAtii0n: 102.7
ReStuRaNt: Bene Hanah's (japenese food)
TeAcHeR: Dont have a favorite teacher i hate every last one of them !!!!
ClAsS: Skill Center
HoLiiDaii: Spring Break
Qu0tE: Dont tell someone you love, that you hate them because you might not ever get to tell them how you really feel.
Bo0kK: Tuesday's with Morrie
MaGaZiiNe: Source
Fl0wEr: a sunflower
MeMoRii: before my mom and dad seperated and when my granpy and both my brother were alive.
T.v. ChAnNeL: Channel 49 The Food Channel.
PeRs0n uu HuuGeD: my lil brother mario
PeRs0n uu KiiSsEd: my lil brother mario
ThiiNg uu SeD: you get on my nerves
ThiiNg uu Ate: Some chicken noodle soup
iiMeD: dont have it
TeXteD: Andre
uu CalL3d: Mommy
CalLeD uu: Shanny
PeRs0n uu SaW: Shanny
uu HaVe A LoNg CoNv0 WiiT: Shay
PrEtTiiEsT: all of them are pretty
StuPiiDeSt: no one is stuppid
SmArTeSt: Shay frye
BeSt PaReNtS: spencer matthew's
LoUdEsT: Shayla banks
FuNnIeSt: Aaron Jackson
CrAzZiiEsT: Mikey l
Sp0iiLeD MoSt: Shayla
MoSt Shy: Spencer
AlWaYz HaS A Bf/Gf: Brandon but you'd never know
AlWaYz HaS PaRtiiEs: shay
BeSt GuRl FriiEnD: dont know
BeSt GuY FriiEnD: dont know
Kn0wN Da LoNgEsT: Shay frye
Kn0wn Da Sh0rTiiEsT: Shayla banks
LukK Up 2 Da MoSt: Shayla B
MoSt LiiKeLy 2 PaSt OuT DrUnKk: A jackson or spencer
DiiZ oR DaT
SuMmEr oR WiiNtEr: Summer
DoG oR CaT: dog
PePsii oR CoKe: pepsi
CeLlPh0nE oR iPoD: cell phone
OcEaN oR Po0l: ocean
BlAcK oR WhiiTe: black
Ch0c0LaTe oR VaNiiLa: chocolate
Fl0wErS oR CaNdY: candy
RoCk oR RaP: rap
T.v oR MoViiE: movie
AiiM oR MySpAcE: myspace
StArS oR HeArTs: stars
BrAcElEt oR NeCkLaCe: necklace
GoLd oR SiLvEr: silver
BrUnEtTe oR Bl0nDe: brunette
KiiSsEs oR HuuGeS: huggs
PeN oR PeNciiL: pen
iiN Da PaSt MoNtH
DrAnK: no
Sm0kEd: no
FaiiLeD A TeSt: yeah
HaD SeX: no
BeEn HoMe AloNe: yeah
StAyEd HoMe FrM Sk0oL: no
BeEn 2 Da MaLl: tooo many times
BoUgHt A Bo0k: no
BeEn 2 A Sh0w oR CoNcErT: no
YeLlEd At SoMe1: all day every day
GoT iiNt0 A FiiGht/ ArGuMeNt: yup today had put a chick in place
CriiEd 2 A FriiEnD: yep to my sister
ToLd Da TruTh: all the time
ToLd A LiiE: yeah
BeEn OuT oF StAtE: no
iiN uuR Ro0m
uuR OwN Ph0nE: yeah
uuR OwN Ph0nE LiiNe: no
VcR: no
DvD PlAyEr: no
RaDii0: yeah
CoMpUtEr: no
PoStErS: no
oF WhAt: painted walls
PiiCtUrEs: nope
oF Wh0: painted walls
TaKeN oR SiinGlE: single
GoT A CrUsH: yeah on a carmen /central boi
NaMe Plzz: starts with an e.lololol
LaSt PeRs0n uu SeD ii LuBzz uu: cant remember
10 PpL Wh0 MeAn Al0t 2 uu
1 ::: god
2 ::: mommy
3 ::: mario
4 ::: shanny
5 ::: lay lay
6 ::: granny
7 ::: nicol
8 ::: jaron
9 ::: jalen
10::: delon and uncle tim
9 ThiiNgS uu LuBzz
1 ::: my mommy
2 ::: my family
3 ::: my money
4 ::: my food
5 ::: my snacks
6 ::: my cookie dough ice cream
7 ::: my skill center family
8 ::: my house
9 ::: my car
8 ThiiNgS uu HaTe
1 ::: fake people
2 ::: liars
3 ::: ugly boy's
4 ::: teachers
5 ::: stipid girl's
6 ::: boy's that have no future
7 ::: cute boy's with no conversation or personality
8 ::: nasty food at a good resturant
7 ThiiNgS uu CaN't LiiVe WiiToUt
1 ::: my mommy
2 ::: my money
3 ::: my food
4 ::: mario
5 ::: my clothes
6 ::: my house
7 ::: my family
6 ThiiNgS uu WeAriiNg RiiTe NoW
1 ::: rocawear coat
2 ::: silver jeans
3 ::: rocawear t-shirt
4 ::: some black flats
5 ::: one sock lol
6 ::: under garmets
5 ThiiNgS uu'D RaThEr B DoiiNg
1 ::: eating something cause im hungryyyy
2 ::: chilling with a friend
3 ::: shopping
4 ::: on the beach in miami
5 ::: baking some real soft and warm cookies
4 oF uuR FaVoRiiTe St0rEs
1 ::: The grocery store
2 ::: Target
3 ::: Walmart in grand blanc
4 ::: any mall other then the valley
3 ThiiNgS uu'D TaKe 2 A DeSsErTeD IsLaNd
1 ::: my mommy
2 ::: mario ( lil bro)
3 ::: A grocery store with free food
2 oF uuR FaVoRiiTe ThiiNgS
1 ::: the refridgerator
2 ::: the atm machine
1 PeRs0n uu MiiSs RiiTe NoW
1 ::: my brother marde
AiiM: dont have
MsN: dont have
YaHo0: dont have
DiiD uu..
LiiKe Da SuRvEy: yeah it was kinda long now im super hungry
WiiSh iiT WeRe 0vEr 5 MiiNuTeS Ag0: yeah maybe my belly wouldnt be makin these noises
LiiE BoUt AnYtHiiNg: naw
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