Okay! I absolutly hate these things let me see, I grew up in a small town in Idaho, and graduated from Emmett High School . I have a younger brother, Ricardo, who is a stud, (Mr. Varsity Everything) unlike his older brother who obviously didn't get the athletic gene.He is currently back from Spain and attending Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho. I also have a little sister, Teresa, who I am very protective of;-) So guys beware...She is currently living in my home town of Emmett and working at the BLM. I had my first radio experiences at KQXR-FM in Boise, Idaho. Big props to Byl and Doug, the guys who made me want to do radio. My next move was Citadel Communications in Boise. It was my first real radio job, where I was hired as a remote tech. After a few moths of learning everything I could about the stations.
I was given my first chance on the air doing a Sunday morning airshift. I did weekends for a while until I got moved to over nights, then to mornings on "The Magic Morning Show" with Mike, Kate, and Jodi. After our night guy, Matt Steel, (The God Of Nights!) moved on, they gave me the big shot at my own show, so at eighteen I had my own show! I left Magic 93.1 in Boise, to persue other
opportunities ouside of radio. Okay, so I toured with The World Famous Chippendale's Dancers for a few months. No really, I did. Crazy as it sounds. Don't worry I wasn't a dancer;-) After a couple of months out of the radio business I was just itching to get back in, so I went to work for Clear Channel Communications of Phoenix, Arizona. I worked in the promotions department at 104.7 Kiss FM and Mix 96.9 FM. (With Monchi, who by the way is the man.) I then spent two years at 107.1 A1A, "The Coast's Number One Hit Music Station" holding down the 7-Midnight show in Melbourne-Cocoa Beach-Titusville, FL. Finally I made my way to the 'Ville! Catch me weekinghts at 7 on 98.9 Kiss FM!
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