SpoRt ActIviTies--(baskEtBalL,fo0TbalL,"baDminTon"),slEePInG--(nAt uRaL "LAH"),cHat On ThE PhoNe--(alWayS ScrEWed Up WHen BIlL's CoMe),smS--("BeEp beEp" oh O.ur BalAnce Is 10 cent ^^),and plAying AlL kinD of [G][A][M][E]-(PS2,arcAde,EZ2DJ,and etc.)
i woUld LiKe To MeEt mY [F][U][T][U][R][E] [W][I][F][E]--(i'm StilL SinGlE).aNd of CourSe mY IdoL--HiLaRY DufF,KeLlY ChaN,MiCHeLlE BraNCh,MaRiT & mArIon(foRmer M2M).tHen ChElSeA FC(i SupPort thEm SinCe I waS 12),and FriEnds WhiCh i NevEr Met bEfoRe(thOsE onLinE FriEnDs). ^^
hIp HoP,l0VeSonGs,dIsNey Anime. SonGs(it's AwESomE),inStRuMenTal,anD Any KinD of MusIc ThAt is NiCe.
[L][O][T][R] 1+2+3,horR0r moVie,acti0n moviE and of C0ursE coMeDy moVie for huMour pPl liKe Me. ^^
LizZie McGuiRe--(aviD FanS of HilArY),ChiNeSE SeRialS-(TVB progrAmS and meTeor GarDen).and Can Anime. coUnt in? ^^)
hOrr0r and anventure bo0ks,StupiD cupId by Arrabella WeIR,,sToRies FoR a teEn HeARt by GrAY and i Don't ReaD much+i hAte [R][E][A][D][I][N][G]