People/Languages/Cultures...badminton, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, indoor soccer, tennis,..acupuncture, massage,Chinese medicine,martial arts, releasing energy/tension by way of wrestling with housemates, classmates..studymates... (no boys allowed, wouldn't be fair). Travel... Korea, the Middle East, South America, North Africa, Indonesia,China..Taiwan.../Ceramics on the kick wheel. Creation, Remission, Fruition.
people that are ready to be real. gusta a tocar la guitarra ahora.
"Raymona" (still waiting for the release)... also, computer animation has been known to bring me joy. (child-hood favorites included: Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Troop Beverly Hills,(Disney)--Robin Hood, Aladdin, Little Mermaid....)
"ehh"... (expressed with a sense of apathy)... haven't had the desire since I went to Canada for 2 years.
I have a lot.... I fight killer dust bunnies constantly... it is sad.
you'll find out when you get to know me.