jAcKiE profile picture


my prince has come to me at last, and i am happy.

About Me

makulet..your best friend..your worst enemy..i cherish family (even though they cause pain sometimes!)..i enjoy the priveledge of knowing true firendship (jonn, maiko volts, jorge, chris, gracie, deo, jenny, n sum others frum IMC u guys know hu u r!)..im jologs, much to the embarassment of my friends =P (but theyve already accepted me for hu i em)..i love to play tennis , and i love to shoot pool..i used to be a swimmer..i love to play poker and mah-jong..i speak loudly AND carry a big stick hehe..i go for what i want..i will not be pushed aside and ignored..i will be heard..i have respect for succesful people who have managed to remain grounded..i make mistakes, a lot of mistakes, but i acknowledge and learn..i think streetsmarts count for more than booksmarts..i think the best lessons to be learned in life come frum actually experiencing hardship..i think its the best feeling in the world to be in love,and be loved..i smoke unfortunately (which is a sign of weakness i know)..i love to read, and watch tv, and movies , and i love to dance, and sing even tho i cant!..i dont like fake people, and hypocrits, i cant stand them and i dont need them in my life..im home now..i work hard, and i play hard..i believe in God..i pray everybody believes in a superior being, call it whatever u will, as long as u believe there is someone we have to answer to when all is said and done..i believe in Karma..i believe there are other creatures on earth besides us..i detest cockroaches..i pray people ive hurt have forgiven me..i pray for me to not hurt anybody..i pray for famine to end..i enjoy being in the company of truly GOOD people..i dont like to associate with people who bring dicontentment and discord..i crave peace of mind and contentment..i am influenced by very few..i am my own self..i want to be remembered as someone hu brought happiness, and someone hu is good..i long for good conversations..and long for good quality quiet time..i dont desire to be normal..i have accepted my shortcumings, and the shortcumings of the people close to me..i have experienced pain..i dont like the word goodbye..i am stornger now---if i kant do it, homie, it kant be done.~50c

My Interests

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old friends