Usual boring bollocks, married,kids,white van man and drive taxi's on the weekend in Carmarthen Its the biggest shite hole in West Wales, full of chavs,alki's and smackheads, get a job you wasters, BRING BACK HANGING!
Myspace Layouts at / Mystic fog
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Terry Wogan, Robert Deniro,Homer Simpson,Billy Connolly, Chopper Harris,
My Blog
13 years who’d of thought
today is the day i met my mrs 13 years ago that sounds like loads of years to me i'm wearing the shirt i met her in as a symbolic thing plus hoping for my leg over which is highly unlikly Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:26:00 GMT
what's this poxy summer all about i've never seen so much rain , had to be the year i started an allotment which i havnt been near in over 3 weeks cos its pissed down every fuckin day i'll try and go ... Posted by on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 21:10:00 GMT
dont panic buy
" don't panic buy any fuel " that's what the media said , the stupid bastards , havn't they learnt that what ever you tell the average greedy british ahole the thick tw*t will do the complete opposite... Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 01:20:00 GMT
i’m turning into my dad
i'm turning into my father i've started going around the house turning lights and stuff off , eating leftovers and forgetting stuff
the kids find it highly amusing switching everything on upstairs an... Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 21:35:00 GMT
where the f*** are my socks
aaaarrrrgggghhhh where the f*** are my socks? i’ve got a draw full of odd socks and i can’t take it anymore so i’ve thrown them all in the bin in a strop , gone to tesco and bought 1... Posted by on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 20:42:00 GMT
batch and chips
my sister has just treated me to a batch and chips thankyou sarah
simple and filling half a batch loaf of bread scoop out most of the bread , butter , and a portion of chips , proper man food i’... Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 17:53:00 GMT
drunken bastard
I went to my mate’s mothers 60th and got completely wasted can’t remember getting home , i ask myself why get so pissed i was alright up to a certain point then one more beer and i t... Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:07:00 GMT
shit britain
this country is shit fucking massive pile of shite and it is getting worse
the Ghurkas have served with the great british army in every war in the last 200 years so why the fuck is brown ’s cron... Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:55:00 GMT
rare as rocking horse shit
I went to work yesterday despite being really ill can't let this virus beat me, well it was worth it cos i saw a delorean driving towards me on my way to chaverfordwest, i was chuffed to bits cos they... Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:05:00 GMT
man flu
aaaaahhh i'm dying , my whole body hurts , every bone, every muscle , my eyes , my head my chest feels like its going to explode or implode can't cough it hurts too much and full of flem , nose runnin... Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:19:00 GMT