Currently I volunteer in student project at the psychiatric clinic on social psychiatry department, which involve research in methadone therapy effects in heroine addiction treatment in patients with psyhotic symptomes.
I play bass guitar in band called Face IT , and guitar in band called Coldfish.
you can find me on MSN at [email protected]
Personality test results
Score (0-100)
..'font-size:10.0pt'Personality Dimension
High scorers tend to be sociable and
outgoing. They prefer to be around people most of the time. High Extraversion is associated with being seen as more
popular and more socially competent, having more friends and dating partners, being accident-prone,
taking more study breaks, engaging in thrill-seeking and delinquent behavior,
better performance in
sales and management jobs, higher job satisfaction, earning a higher
salary, having more leadership roles, attending more parties, exercising
more frequently, belonging to a fraternity, playing a sport, smoking
cigarettes, consuming more alcohol, and preference for hip-hop, soul,
funk, electronic, rock, and heavy metal music.
Low scorers tend to be reserved and serious. They often prefer to be alone or with a few close friends. Low Extraversion is associated with engaging in fewer risky behaviors.
High scorers tend to be compassionate,
good-natured, and eager to cooperate and avoid conflict. High Agreeableness is associated with being seen as more
socially competent, with greater religiosity, greater willingness to help a stranger, and preference for
pop, country, and religious music.
Low scorers tend to be hardheaded, skeptical, proud, and competitive. They tend to express their anger directly. Low Agreeableness is associated with having more dating partners, with smoking cigarettes, driving fast, and holding prejudicial views.
Agreeableness usually increases with age. Women tend to score higher on Agreeableness than do men.
High scorers tend to be responsible and
well-organized. They have high standards and work hard to achieve their
goals. High Conscientiousness is associated
with earning higher grades, scoring higher on verbal intelligence tests, better school attendance, spending more time studying and completing household chores, sleeping more, being more
religious, better
performance in most jobs, and exercising more frequently.
Low scorers tend to act spontaneously rather than making plans. They may pay little attention to details, are not very well-organized, and can sometimes be careless. Low Conscientiousness is associated with risky behavior, disciplinary problems, being accident-prone, more job changes, consuming more alcohol, and receiving more traffic tickets.
Conscientiousness usually increases with age.
High scorers tend to be sensitive, emotional,
and prone to experience feelings that are upsetting. High
Neuroticism is associated with exercising more frequently.
Low scorers tend to be secure, generally relaxed even under stressful conditions, and worry little. Low Neuroticism is associated with better physical and psychological health.
Neuroticism usually decreases with age. Women tend to score higher on Neuroticism than do men.
Openness to Experience
High scorers tend to be open to new experiences.
They have broad interests and are imaginative. High Openness is associated with earning better grades, scoring higher on general intelligence tests, playing a musical instrument,
holding liberal political opinions, and
with preference for rock, heavy metal, classical, jazz, blues, and folk
Low scorers tend to be down-to-earth, practical, traditional, and pretty much set in their ways. Low Openness is related to earning a higher salary, holding conservative political opinions, and having prejudicial views of minority groups.