Music, Art, Poetry, History, Film, Travel, Basketball, African Studies, Cooking, Old school cars, Comedy.
Anyone that has love for the less fortunate and are willing to put their own problems aside in order to help make the world a better place to live in and not just make a profit. Oh yeah and especially if they're beautiful women.
JimiHendrix(forealdo),Isley's,JeffreyOsbourne,Ltd.Band,Ohio Players,Funkadelic,CurtisMayfield,AnthonyHamilton,MacDre, Heiroglyphics,KRS,Bootcamp,DungeonFamily(esp.witchdoctor), CVE,Aceyalone,DruDown,TooShort,N.W.A.,P.E.,Nas,AZ,Blastoff, DoorDie,MilesDavis,Roots,Freshcoast,Nirvana,FireFlyEyes, Phillyunderground,MaxPeezay,Earz,Ya'll know, all the hella cold stuff fools just act like they know about, feel me!!!
LifeIsBeautiful,TheColorPurple,JacobsLadder,40yearoldVirgin, TradingPlaces, E.T., HollywoodShuffle, DeadPresidents, ThomasCrownAffair, Malcolm X, ApacolypseNow, ForrestGump, TaxiDriver, MississippiBurning, LordofWar, TheWood, Anything Hella funny or Hella Serious, Ya dig.
Conan O'brien, Pacific Blue(lol), Jeopardy, For real I don't watch too much.
The Power of One, 1984, Mboka, Robert Browning, The Biography of Nelson Mandela, Guns Germs & Steel, Animal Farm, Soul on Ice etc.
Jesus,My Grandparents on both sides(rip),My Mother,My Father, Mandela, Kenneth Kaunda, Martin Luther King, and all righteous people that sacrifice for a positive cause.