Well, I'm not great at these here speeches but, I'll give it a try. I am Thomas Kinder well, ever since about sixth grade I have been just Kinder. I enjoy doing many things including hanging out with my friends, exercising, sleeping, playing computer games, and of course talking to my adoring girl friend. Her name is Rickie Lucas she is cute and all mine. Some of the things I do during the school year include; Swimming, diving, tennis, chorus, cross country, and most def. track this year. I am in honors classes but, I sometimes have a bad habit of forgetting my homework in well math and science. Other than that my grades are good. I am a junior at DAHS and although I have been in and out of relationships, I am still very innocent. I have came to a conclusion lately, my theory is that good things happen at formal dances, I have seen many people go into formal dances as friends and leave as more, it happened to me its amazing. In my spare time I do things such as playing back yard footbal, read, draw, rock out, jam on my bass, pwn nubs, and well eat. I would have to say my favorite food is hot wings, make em hot I will eat them. I can take spicy. My favorite family member is sorry to say people my cousin Justen we have been like best friends since our young years. From throwing a rock through a corvette window in our younger days and talking about our women in our older days. I have plenty of best friends I will list a few; Shane Craker, Timmy Dietz, Matt Sliwinski, Ricky Sneden, Justina Burr, Rickie Cuteness, Dustin Newpher, and there are plenty more if you want your name in there just tell me I will add you. I ride the bus and I sit with rickie, I know I seem a little obsessed but, I can not help it I like her a lot. Prom was amazing. Well I can't think of anything else to put here so if you have any questions ask.