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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, I'm not great at these here speeches but, I'll give it a try. I am Thomas Kinder well, ever since about sixth grade I have been just Kinder. I enjoy doing many things including hanging out with my friends, exercising, sleeping, playing computer games, and of course talking to my adoring girl friend. Her name is Rickie Lucas she is cute and all mine. Some of the things I do during the school year include; Swimming, diving, tennis, chorus, cross country, and most def. track this year. I am in honors classes but, I sometimes have a bad habit of forgetting my homework in well math and science. Other than that my grades are good. I am a junior at DAHS and although I have been in and out of relationships, I am still very innocent. I have came to a conclusion lately, my theory is that good things happen at formal dances, I have seen many people go into formal dances as friends and leave as more, it happened to me its amazing. In my spare time I do things such as playing back yard footbal, read, draw, rock out, jam on my bass, pwn nubs, and well eat. I would have to say my favorite food is hot wings, make em hot I will eat them. I can take spicy. My favorite family member is sorry to say people my cousin Justen we have been like best friends since our young years. From throwing a rock through a corvette window in our younger days and talking about our women in our older days. I have plenty of best friends I will list a few; Shane Craker, Timmy Dietz, Matt Sliwinski, Ricky Sneden, Justina Burr, Rickie Cuteness, Dustin Newpher, and there are plenty more if you want your name in there just tell me I will add you. I ride the bus and I sit with rickie, I know I seem a little obsessed but, I can not help it I like her a lot. Prom was amazing. Well I can't think of anything else to put here so if you have any questions ask.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

WOOHOO this is my little NERDLET RICKIE...yes shes cute...yes shes mine...but yes...i dont know why or how fate delt me this hand in life but im glad i found my royal flush...she is amazing and everything ive ever wanted...yes the one...the mystical one you hear about in fairy tales...the one that makes me feel like noting else matters when shes around...and when shes not nothing else matters but to get with who one sound of her voice can brighten any one of my days no matter how bad...where every kiss makes my day...well not just my day my entire each time i kiss her my life gets progressively better...i know we havent been together as long as a lot of other couples...but if youve had these feelings it doesnt matter length of relationships its more of how strong is it...thats all that words can express about her...cuz i cant find words that are good enough to label her with...

My Blog


alright, so i started a new sport out this school year...and i'm putting forth all effort and time to become better at it...I really have a lot of fun and i believe that if i work my hardest and go to...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 17:15:00 GMT

hah yeah my day

ok im gonna tell you about my greatest yet worst day all in one blog...hah ok it all started out at my moms...i didnt have to work so i made plans with matt to go to the i went at around 3:3...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 20:39:00 GMT


here take this quiz i said id repost it so you guys can take it so do it 1.Your Full Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite Color: 4. Favorite Movie: 5. Favorite Song: 6. Favorite Band: 7. Most Embarassing Mome...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 06:38:00 GMT

My first song kinda emo

Arms Full of Homemade Scars with my sleeves pulled downit looked to the world i had it alleveryone around is so naivelooking around as i bleed *chorus theme*ive made some mistakescutting always solves...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 19:54:00 GMT

about me

i am almost 16 years old i live in reynoldsville,pennsylvania and im about to move to a diferent house aka me and my dad are building it i am currently SINGLE i really miss erica she was my ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 05:37:00 GMT