the gore compendium profile picture

the gore compendium

About Me

Somewhere during the winter of 2005 'The Gore Compendium' sprouted in the not-so-twisted minds of mister Meroth and his partner in crime Ziepe. Coincidentally the same year the last edition of our (in)famous filmfestival 'midsplatternight' aired. As a tribute to the midsplatternight-cult we bring you 'the Gore Compendium': a book containing a personal selection of gore, splatter and zombie-madness that shocked the late 70's, the political uncorrect 80's and the boysband dominated 90s. The 192p. book will feature our (personal) alltime favorite splatter and gore movies, with extra attention to the German gore scene. No giallo, slasher, cannibal/mondo, etc... but the pure stuff, well reviewed and with a lot of pictures. We are here to keep you posted and interact with the gore society, all feedback is welcome.

A book full of chop 'm up action, served with a smile.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who show an interest in splatter 'n gore and show an insane interest in our gore compendium which supposedly see the light somewhere during 2008. If you have any remarks, ideas or films that should be added to the book don't hesitate and contact us! By the gore for the gore! We will keep you informed on the progress at our myspace blog. Or, if you're here for some chit-chat, well, that works too! Chop 'm up!

My Blog


Finally! This weekend we unleashed our 'Gore Compendium' during the Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival in Bruges, Belgium. So stop reading this jibba-jabba and order your copy now! 192 pages with 150+...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 15:19:00 GMT

the final stage

Fellow maniacs -the book has entered it's final stage; before the end of the month (october 2008) the compendium should be printed and made available through; don't f...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 12:31:00 GMT

new artwork revealed

Fellow gorehounds -with less then ten months to go before the final release of our compendium we finally finished the artwork of the book. Feel free to post any comments and/or suggestions - more news...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 16:42:00 GMT

true gore incorporated

Finally! News from the other side!In a nutshell: we are now half-way through the writing process of the book, if all goes well you can expect this gore-filled piece of amusement in your hands somewher...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 09:21:00 GMT

setting up an myspace account

We finally found our way to myspace! Check frequently for updates, in the meantime we'll be playing around on myspace. Chop 'm up!
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:58:00 GMT