Krystle profile picture


i enjoy space. myspace, that is.

About Me

...people are beautiful.LET'S LOVE.
....Hi. I'm Krystle Tugadi.Here's what you BASICALLY need to know about me:-I'm a student at California State University, Long Beach.-I'm a Liberal Studies major and I plan on becoming a teacher for grades between 2nd-4th. YAY!-I SERIOUSLY have THE greatest friends a person can ask for. SERIOUSLY. Wanna know what amazing, intelligent, talented, ridiculously funny, driven, responsible, unselfish, thoughtful, loving people are like? Yah. Meet my BEEEEEESSSTEST BESST friends. They embody every one of those qualities. THANKS. :)-My favorite color is YELLOW.-I eat a lot. Therefore, take me to a buffet.-I'm obsessed with strawberries. Gimme strawberries and I'll give you the biggest hug EVER. KNOWN TO MAN. PLUS, i'll be your friend. HOLLAAAA!!!-My first love is singing. WEE!-My old love used to be dancing. Don't know what's gonna happen with that.-I think corny humor is the BEST humor. Hands up.-I can be awkward. Yah.-GO HILARY CLINTON!!!-I have very odd and uncommon phobias.-I have to chew my food 32 times. HAVE. TO.-RAHHHH!!!!-I've learned a lot in the past year. My most important lesson of 2007 is to never take bullshit from ANYONE. And I mean ANYONE.-My idea of a "bomb ass" party is a night of potluck action, movies, and boardgames!!-I'm a sunny day kinda gal.-I L.O.V.E. and miss the PHILIPPINES SOOOO MUCH.-I SUCK at lying. So I don't.-I'm enthralled by the sky.-GREEN MANGO SHAKES! GREEN MANGO SHAKES!!-I enjoy llamas. LLAMAS!!!!!!-Zoot suit riot?-I LOVE READING!-Let's play on the swings!!! LEZZ ZZOOOOOIIIIIT!So. I think that's about enough. The rest is for you to find out! Let's be friends! WEEEEE!!!! :)"The great awareness comes slowly, piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a joyful one." -M. Scott Peck.LET'S LOVE. LET'S BE HAPPY. LET'S DISCOVER.EXERCISING THE LOVE OF MY LIFE
Singing Star Competition Pre-lims Cerritos
"Like A Star" at the Bren Events Center
HEY! i LOVE this guy!!
i'm creepy
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I have amazing friends. Especially my friend, Carlo aka "DUCKY". Watch out for this guy because he is DRIVEN, only 21, and definitely going places. Seriously. If you need any car parts, buy them at HIS VERY OWN SHOP. Yah. It's HIS. YAY! Go DUCKY!! I'm REPRESENTING for YOU, homie!! Hehe. So proud of yooou!! Feel free to click on the banner, people.

My Interests

stimulating conversation

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

People who will continually show me how beautiful life, love, and friendship can be. People I can grow with. Not just people to hang out with. People I can GROW with. To me...thats what's REAL friends are.


I embrace ALL genres of music.
Music is beautiful.


-The Wizard of Oz
-Vanilla Sky
-The Little Mermaid
-The Lion King
-Finding Nemo
-My Best Friend's Wedding
-Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
-Freaky Friday
-Spiderman 1 & 2
-Jerry Maguire
-Ace Ventura Pet Detective 1 & 2
-Breakfast Club
-Punch-drunk Love
-Chicken Little
-Nanny McPhee
-Mysterious Skin
-Love Me If You Dare
-Me, You, and Everyone We Know
-Love Actually
-Napoleon Dynomite


-Will and Grace
-All My Children
-Most Extreme Challenge
-Saved by the Bell
-California Dreams
-Fresh Prince
-The Cosby Show
-I Love the 80's (I especially love it because of Michael Ian Black. Mmmmm... =] )
-Behind the Music
-Dawson's Creek
-How Do I Look
-Grey's Anatomy
-Primetime Specials on ABC
-Programs on National Geographic
-Programs on the FOOD NETWORK (yessssss!!!)



-The Outsiders
-The Great Gatsby
-Streetcar named Desire
-This Boy's Life
-Cantebury Tales
-Classics of Western Philosophy
-It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken


-My Mom aka Miss Independent. DAMN. I seriously give her props.
-Dorothy Day
-Mother Teresa
-Stevie Wonder
-Brian McKnight,
-Spiderman (heh.)

My Blog

You know what’s the best thing EVER?

...hugging my Grandma and Grandpa today.That made me really happy. :)...and they both cracked some smiles, too.Yay. I love my Grandparents.Love,Keetal.(i don't know why my Grandpa calls me that; but ...
Posted by Krystle on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 01:37:00 PST

Wanna make me SMILE?

Come to this. =) il&eventID=362832.23592&Mytoken=A852F3EF-9CF5-48BA-B950C834B AA2F9E591399842THANKS!!YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO MAKE ME SMILE,Tugadi. ...
Posted by Krystle on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:16:00 PST

My Singing Star 2007 Performance at the US Philippine Expo!

Okay. So, I'm still freaking floored that I placed.Haha. I really didn't think I was gonna place. While they were about to call out the winners, everyone was standing around backstage in the wings ...
Posted by Krystle on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 11:33:00 PST


Gawd. I'm so freaking jet lagged STILL!!! UGGGGH. I want to sleep at least before 4 today. Sheeeeeze.I miss the Philippines. Poop.But yay! I placed 3rd today at the Singing Star Competition toda...
Posted by Krystle on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 01:49:00 PST

S T R E N G T H .

I can do this.BEAUTIFUL FLOWERIndia.ArieThis is a song for every girl who'sEver been through something she thought she couldn't make it throughI sing these words becauseI was that girl tooWanting some...
Posted by Krystle on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:28:00 PST


Posted by Krystle on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 11:48:00 PST

I'll Be There For YOU. (and a High School Flash Back Performance Video Memory!!)

I had a really rough day today.There's just a PLETHORA of issues that are weighing me down right now. ::SIGH::a PLETHORA.Thank you to the few people who actually made me feel like they'd be there to ...
Posted by Krystle on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 03:18:00 PST


UGH. I can't go back to sleeeeep!!! MEH. So to kill time, I'll do one of these mofos.1. You're infected. Your top 8 has the cure. One must die. Who?Why? Ugh. Sorry boo boo. Matthew, you're first...
Posted by Krystle on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:15:00 PST

Summertime and the Little Things in Life.

I love the summertime.Here are one of my favorite memories from Summer 04 with Jenny My Henny and DarDarBinx. They were seriously like my lesbian mothers that least it seems like it on the v...
Posted by Krystle on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:51:00 PST

My First Love

Singing brings me to another place.For me, it is T R A N S C E N D I N G.So, on the 19th, I got to sing at the Bren Events Center at UCI. OH MAN. SO. COOL. Did I just not see John Legend and Corin...
Posted by Krystle on Wed, 30 May 2007 03:03:00 PST