LIKES: my family, friends and my boyfriend, my job (sometimes lol), the beach, CHEESECAKE! (haha lol), rollercoasters, hiking, tubing, water-skiing (for the one time i was actually able to get up on skiis haha), snowmobiling, hanging out with the girls, hangin out with the boys, smirnof ice (wild grape and arctic berry are so good!), bud select (although i'll settle for budlight), the summer time, good music, in general!HATES: racism, people that think they're better then everyone else, not getting enough sleep, hangovers, being hungry, JOHNNY DAMON, the fuckin YANKEES, not having cigarettes, fighting with people over stupid shit, stupid bitches that lie, being cold, being tired, CHEATING and lying in general. grandfather on my dad's side, my uncle matthew, marilyn monroe, kurt cobain, rosa parks, elvis, johnny cash and john candy.....for the people that are alive that i wanna meet; chris rock, president bush (so i can smack him cuz he's fuckin RETARDED), johnny knoxville, bam margera, steve-o, wee-man (basically the whole jackass and viva la bam crew), sean william scott, allison hannigan, jessica simpson, jonathan davis, shaggy and violent j of ICP, Tech n9ne and michael w. smith.
Jordan sparks, lupe fiasco, chris brown, rhianna, britney spears, chris daughtry, red jumpsuit apparatus, three days grace, mat kearney, DJ Khaled, paramour, fergie, the beatles, the temptations, carrie underwood, puddle of mud, Neo, 50 cent, lil wayne, etc. START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Survayyyyyyy very random
most memorable day of your life so far?: the day i rolled my car (01/18/07)
won any trophys?: nope
Worst childhood memory?: there are many but i try to remember the good, not the bad
Do you like roller coasters?: LOVE them
Ever been to disneyland?: nope, but i have been to disney world
Do you make a good friend?: i think so, i try anyway
Favorite fruit?: mmmm...pomegranates!
Do you keep a journal?: eh, i try to but i never write in it so no not really
have any hobbies?: i like to swim, go on roller coasters, go to the beach, go on hikes, reading, chillin with friends, family and my boyfriend.
Either orrrr........
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
McDonalds or Wendy's: wendys!
Boxers or briefs?: i like it when guys wear boxers
Gold or silver?: silver
TV or Radio?: depends on the day, i like both
French Toast or Pancakes?: pancakes
Sprite or 7-up?: sprite
what best friend did you have the longest?: hmmm...Manda Marie! haha love that bitch :)
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: fuck that! i'd rather poke my eyes out with a firepoker!
Ever thrown up in public?: uh, yeah...last night actually haha....never drink on an upset stomach! lol
was the scariest movie that you ever saw?: hmm...cant think. "white noise" kinda freaked me out, but not too many movies actually scare me
is your best physical feature?: everyone says my hair is my best feature, so i guess i'll go with that
is your favorite brand of bottled water?: propel
you could change one thing about your physical apperance what would it be?: i wish i was more toned overall. i'm not fat but i would like to get more in shape.
Started laughing at someones bedtime?: uh no
Had the drink "sex on the beach": nope
Asked a guy to dance?: yeah
Threw up in school?: yeah lol
Cursed in front of your parents?: in front pre-teenage hormones make u do a lotta crazy shit
Been honked at by a guy/girl when you were walking down the sidewalk: yeah, in worcester especially
Left a movie because you were too scared?: um no, thats gay
Threatened someone with a water gun?: yes, i said "i have a super soaker and im not afraid to use it bitch!"
Open your eyes underwater?: i always do, i cant swim with my eyes closed
Ever Ice skated?: yeah, its fun
Sleep with the lights on?: yeah, but i dont sleep well that way. i need it dark to sleep deeply
Strip infront of your school/work for a million dollers?: sure lol, but i get the million first, right?
Last person you IM'ed?: chee
Do you have friends outside school/work?: uh, yeah! lol what am i a loser? haha
now, do looks REALLY matter?: not to me. its nice to be with someone whos hot but if you dont have a good personality and you're an asshole then your looks will get you nowhere with me
are you happy with your life at the moment?: actually, i really am. theres room for improvement, but overall i really love my life right now.
do you enjoy random conversations that last all night?: DEFINITELY! haha
Favorite subject?: umm, in school? i guess it was either english or history
When do you get up?: depends, if i can sleep in then 11 or 12. if i something to do or i have to bring my boyfriend to work, then around 9 or 10
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: no, i really dont do that
Stalk people?: lol uh no, thats a little weird
What would be your dream date?: going to a beach and relaxing in the sun and surf all day, walking around the boardwalk and eating icecream and talking, and finally the perfect kiss at sunset
Been called a slut/whore?: yeah, but anyone who really knows me knows its not true
Been called a Bitch?: yeah lol but that one may have a little truth to it haha
Like to play sports?: sometimes
Went to someone's house for a slumber party/party?: um, what girl hasnt at one point been to a sleepover in her life
Are you wearing any socks right now?: yes
Does anyone like you?: hopefully, my boyfriend lol
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: i used to be ridiculous about it but im not too bad anymore
Some say that sex is overrated........?: then they're not doing it right! ;)
Anything your parents should know about?: my parents are on a need-to-know basis lol i may be an adult but there are somethings a parent shouldnt know about their kids, grown or not! lol
Do you have a web cam?: nope
Section you don't like in the grocery store?: the cleaning supply isles
Like to dance?: love it
City you want to visit?: honolulu, HI or rome, italy
Country you want to go to?: ITALY
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Good Luck Chuck, Kat Williams (the pimp chronicles), Two can Play that game, Georgia Rule, wedding crashers, knocked up, I now pronounce you chuck & Larry, etc.
Law & Order SVU, The Golden Girls, Reba, Dirt, Nip-tuck, Family Guy, Futurama, Ghost Hunters, Myth-Busters
I love reading, but i dont have a one favorite book
My mom. :)