YOu'rE thE fRiENd i kNoW i cAn aCt liKE a cOMplEtE iDiOt.. WitH aNd NO MATTER WHAT yOu WiLl stANd thErE lAUghiNg witH mE.. YOu'rE thE fRiENd thAt i cAn gEt cOMplEtEly mAd At..aNd thAN hAviNg yOu stANd thERe wIth A fUnNy fAcE..cOMplEtEly igNOriNg thE fAct thAt i'M mAd At yOu aNd jUst bURst oUt lAUghiNg... YOu'rE thE fRiENd thAt i cAn trUSt WiTh EVERYTHING..ThErE iSN't a thiNg iN thE wOrLd..i wOUld dOuBt tElliNg yOu abOUt bEcAusE i TRUST yOu witH My whOlE hEaRt... YOu'rE thE fRiEnd thAt hAs bEen thrOUgh ROUGH tiMEs witH mE aNd wE StiLl cOmE oUt stANdiNg STRONG... YOu'rE thE friENd thAt i wOUld rUn tO if iNtrOublE... YOu'rE thE friENd thAt hAs ALWAYS tRiEd tO hElp mE oUt aNd wElL yOu kNOw whAt?..YOu'rE pERsOn thAt i cONsidEr "MY BEST FRIEND"... ...I KINDA FUCKING LOVE YOU...