yeah, me? ahhh, my name is jaret, called hoss by over 1/2 the people i no, Im a proud glass blower living in jamesown colorado, have a great girlfriend laura, a handsome son Caydon, and nothing but time. I also have a beautiful mutt named Cassidy Moe, my little Rottweiller. I've never been a religious person, but u dont have to be to find yourself. Its taken me along time to be satisfied with what i was doing. Many of you know me well, and would be glad to know ive slowed my roll the last year or so, im the ripe age of 23 now, and am a cook here in jamestown with glassblowing and music on the side. I play and love the mandolin, learning banjo, and embracing the bluegrass lifestyle. Theres nothing better, colorado is for me. I grew up in ames iowa, proud motherfuckr, and am a card member to the newest and hottest club in colorado....MEDICAL! go vote in your state, enough painkillers and smack, go green. This becoming huge where i live, boulder county ecspecially,and give that option to all my neighbors! If anyone wants info on cannamed or the system itself im a great advicate. e-mail my ass, if u dont do anything no one else will. Every state will offer medical marijuana soon enough, you just need to know how and where to vote to make it happend. Me, Hossy boy, Voted here in 2005 and 2006 for cannibis reform, manly de-criminalization laws where changed, and thanks to all us devoted potheads we changed the medical world one by one. It wasn't easy, never is, but if u want it u can do it. GET IOWA LEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
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