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Definition--: BRAVURA pronounced ..bruh-VYUR-uh; brah-; -VUR-.., noun: 1. A florid, brilliant style of music that emphasizes the technical force and skill of a performer; virtuoso music. 2. A showy or brilliant display.
BRAVURA custom drum company builds professional quality drums. We aren't trying to "reinvent the wheel" with over the top drum sets but we strive to make each drum to the unique visual and tonal specifications of each client. With time tested ingredients from top manufacturers, BRAVURA offers complete building of drum kits, snare drums and refinishing of old sets (local only). Located on the South-side of Chicago, BRAVURA serves many drummers in top local bands like Made Avail and Triumph and Parade along with up'n'coming Chicago act The Fireship and national act Lydia (Universal/Motown Records).Checkout our Price List located on our website before you request a quote. When you are ready for a quote, email [email protected] please include dimensions of the kit you want and try to be as specific as to what you want your kit to look like; powder coating, custom wrap, etc. the more you write the better. Send pics, too.
If you're inquiring about sponsorship email [email protected]. Include a digital press kit with links to your band's music and some info about yourself. Only serious inquiries from drummers that are in very serious bands. Your band doesn't have to be signed, but touring and other shows and future plans are something that we would like to know about. And lastly, we can't sponsor everyone but we do try to support local drummers as best as we can. Hope to hear from you soon. We love you all, you're the reason BRAVURA exists.
Visit www.bravuradrums.com for more information.