I'd like to meet:
ok, so dis is BEAT(like a heart beat) and wat i can tell ya about ALEX isnt enough to explain wat i think about him. but here we go: this dude is one of the few who i can talk to and NOT get bored of O.O rare btw. haha, well hes REALLY fun to talk to , and just awesome, and i dont regret meeting him. i regret not meeting him sooner tho x] well, i would REALLY wanna meet this foo in person, but i can x[ anyways, yeah, hes SO many things that im sure i wont name them all. hes awesome, funny, WEIRD, random, :handsomeyish", fun, and just plain... AWESOME! i love ya, and i just wish i knew you in person too XD haha from your darling XD jk -BEAT!!! (beatriz)<3lol