What can I say? I grew up in Vegas and have lived a crazy life. I know I am here today only by the grace of God. He does indeed leave the 99 to go and rescue the 1 who got lost. Boy, did I ever get LOST in Vegas... Glory to God, I am here today, cleansed and forgiven and in my "right mind".
We believe ALL Christians should be accountable to God and to one another. Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2Iron sharpens Iron- Proverbs 27:171.
IT = SIN. All addictions under the sun are just that: SIN. Anything that controls, rules and conquers us is sin. The only way to be free is through JESUS CHRIST. "Therefore if the SON makes you free, you shall be free indeed."- JOHN 8:36 -------------------------We are called to repent, and then abide in Christ, apart from Him we can do nothing. WALK in the SPIRIT and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. God has made provision and has not left us w/o the Helper.
We have our ways and God has HIS ways. If we, being limited human beings, and HE being the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY both have a plan on HOW TO LIVE this thing called "life", I would venture to guess that maybe, just maybe, HIS WAY might be the RIGHT way.
But seriously, Jesus claimed to be the Way, the Truth and the Life. JOHN 14:6. Either He was telling the TRUTH or He really was the biggest liar that ever walked the earth.(and the most famous!- sorry Mr.Lennon)
If God is tugging on your heart as you read this, just ask HIM to show you. He loves us, He made us and He promised to show us the way. All we have to do is ask, seek and knock... the door will be opened. MATTHEW 7:7-
Life is good now that I am awake and alive.Here's a quick sample/slideshow of my life because pictures speak louder than words...
...and here's a small taste of our merch...