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Beppe Gambetta

About Me

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It is the smile that is the key for reading the musical universe of Beppe Gambetta. An open and disarming smile that is also the contagious and unresistable smile of a person who invites you to a musical journey with light heart and curiosity. The destination, as for any traveller, is not totally defined because it is beautiful, at the very last, to find ourselves where we never would expected to be.With the horizon's line as a challenge and attraction, Beppe is continually composing his personal mosaic of sounds and flavours. From his unique roots developing as an Italian musician in love with both American country and bluegrass as well as the music of his native country, Beppe has travelled the world and even crossed the “Iron Curtain” to dazzle and charm music enthusiasts everywhere. After ten CDs, four DVDs, four teaching books, and collaborations with many other top-flight musicians, Gambetta is increasingly known as one of the true live master innovators of the acoustic guitar.While Beppe still lives in his native Genova, he travels to North America at least twice each year. His reputation in the U.S. and Canada is reinforced by his participation in prestigious festivals like the Walnut Valley Festival in Winfield, Kansas, Merlefest in North Carolina, the Kerrville Folk Festival in Texas and Canadian Folk Festivals in Winnipeg and Edmonton, as well as events like the radio shows “All Things Considered” and “E-Town”. Beppe is also featured in the movie “The Primal Twang” and has performed in prestigious rooms like the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In his career he has performed with some great heroes of the folk scene like David Grisman, Doc Watson, Norman Blake, Gene Parsons, Bela Fleck and, on a regular basis, with Dan Crary and with the band Men Of Steel: an international guitar summit (Dan Crary, Tony McManus and Don Ross) of different guitar schools with complex musical interaction. In a world dominated by the trends and logic of the market Gambetta's playing and singing stand out for their intimate emotions, communication, research in tone, sobriety and humor. An inspired music that modestly avoids relying solely on his high level of technical excellence, but also reveals the innermost feelings of a brilliant, playful mind that is always firmly exploring and innovating while staying firmly routed in tradition.With America in his heart and his roots in the sun and the olive trees of the Mediterranean sea, he naturally and seamlessly bridges the shores of the two continents, creating in spite of the interposed ocean a musical "koiné" (fusion) where country music and Ligurian tradition, emigration songs and folk ballads, mandolins and harp guitars not only co-exist but interact, weaving a deep dialog unaware of any rigid classification.
Music on its way, proud of the past but looking to the future, able to talk to us in the present because it is rooted in the history of generations of men and women so different but so equal to us. Strolling music, intolerant of frontiers and passports, exclusions and obsessions. Vital music, passionate but sober. It is waving to us. Let's follow it.
Il filo dell’orizzonte come sfida e irresistibile richiamo, Beppe Gambetta ha fatto del vagabondaggio un’arte, componendo il suo personale mosaico di suoni e sapori. In giovanile pellegrinaggio lungo le mitiche “blue highways” della profonda America cantate da Woody Guthrie, quel giovane chitarrista genovese sulle tracce del country e del bluegrass ne ha macinata, è proprio il caso di dirlo, di strada. Virtuoso dello stile “flatpicking” consacrato, ormai, a livello internazionale, autore di dieci dischi, quattro libri didattici, tre video e un DVD, Gambetta è oggi considerato dagli stessi maestri americani un loro pari, degno continuatore di una tradizione musicale sempre viva e rinnovantesi. Di casa negli States (è di quattro mesi, in media, la sua permanenza annuale in terra americana), una fama consolidata grazie alle numerose tournées, alle partecipazioni ai più prestigiosi festival, dal Walnut Valley Festival di Winfield in Kansas al Merlefest di Wilkesboro in North Carolina, da quello di Chico in California ai Festivals canadesi di Edmonton e Winnipeg, e all’attività didattica nell’ambito di seguitissimi workshop – uno su tutti: lo Steve Kaufman Flatpicking Camp di Maryville nel Tennessee -, Gambetta nel corso della sua carriera ha avuto l’opportunità di suonare con i più grandi artisti della scena folk internazionale, quali, per citarne alcuni, Doc Watson, Tony Trischka, Gene Parsons, Norman Blake, David Grisman. E, naturalmente, Dan Crary, Tony McManus e Don Ross, membri insieme a Beppe dei Men of Steel, il fantastico quartetto chitarristico che più cosmopolita non si può - Usa, Scozia, Canada, Italia sono infatti le nazioni di provenienza di questi “fab four” delle sei corde – e che ha mietuto unanimi consensi di pubblico e critica in tutto il mondo. In un mondo dominato dalle logiche del mercato e in cui a imperversare è la musica “plastificata”, tutta glamour e look, così fashion e trendy (ma chi parla male, parafrasando qualcuno, ascolta male), Gambetta propone la sua musica, intimamente sentita e vissuta, fatta di emozioni, immediatezza comunicativa, ricerca timbrica, sobrietà. Una musica ispirata, ma quasi pudica nello svelare sino in fondo i più riposti moti dell’animo, refrattaria a quelle ostentazioni virtuosistiche fine a se stesse che costituiscono una tentazione in costante agguato a tali livelli di eccellenza tecnica: ad altri, non a lui, meticoloso artigiano dei sentimenti, i funambolici esercizi “a miracolo mostrare”. L’America nel cuore, le radici tra il sole e gli ulivi del Mediterraneo, è con estrema naturalezza che Gambetta riesce a saldare le sponde dei due continenti, creando, alla faccia di quell’oceano frapposto lì in mezzo, una “koiné” musicale in cui country e tradizione ligure, canti dell’emigrazione e ballate popolari, mandolini e chitarre-arpa non solo coesistono ma vanno a interagire, intrecciando un fitto dialogo ignaro di ogni rigida (e supponente) classificazione.Musica popolare in cammino, fiera del suo passato ma con lo sguardo rivolto al futuro, capace di parlare al nostro presente perché radicata nella storia di generazioni di uomini e donne così diversi e così uguali a noi. Musica girovaga, insofferente di frontiere e passaporti, esclusioni e ossessioni. Musica vitale, appassionata, sobria. Che ci fa un cenno. Seguiamola.

My Interests


Member Since: 07/03/2007
Band Website:
NEW CD: "RENDEZ-VOUS" (Gadfly Records)
Now available in the best music stores, on CD BABY, on ITunes and many other fine On-Line retailers

With Rendez-vous I'm trying to break the borders of the flatpicking technique in a creative way, experimenting new "full sounding" solutions to obtain a sort of a "plectrum-fingerstyle" sound in an unusual synthesis. I have the pleasure to present to the listeners artists that come from completely different artistic worlds in a really stimulating combination: from the singer songwriting avant-garde of Patty Larkin
and Darrell Scott to the Italian wave of the Sixties of Francesco Guccini, from the newgrass mastery of Missy Raines and Jim Hurst to the early-music tenor voice of Marco Beasley; from the button accordion of my son Filippo Gambetta to the guitar of the Brasilian maestro Marco Pereira and the old-time fiddle of Bruce Molsky; from the progressive European style of French mandolinist Patrick Vaillant to the ethno-urban percussions of Marco Fadda and the jazzy bass of Riccardo Barbera. (Beppe Gambetta)


Influences: Doc Watson, Pasquale Taraffo, Clarence White, Norman Blake, Django Reinhardt, Fabrizio De Andre', Newgrass Revival, Leo Kottke, Nicolo' Paganini, Dan Crary, Dick Gaughan, Tony Rice, Aldo Cabitza, Nick Lucas, Eddie Lang. ACOUSTIC NIGHT 8 ACOUSTIC NIGHT 8 BEPPE GAMBETTA INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP IN SLOVENIA
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Gadfly Records, Acoustic Disc, Felmay
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Beppe Gambetta Official Channel on You Tube
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 08:28:00 GMT

Flatpicking Guitar Network Member Badge ..Visit Flatpicking Guitar Network
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 08:01:00 GMT

Check out this event: Acoustic Night 9

Hosted By:Beppe GambettaWhen:Thursday, May 07, 2009Where:Teatro della CortePiazza Borgo PilaGenovaDescription:Beppe Gambetta, Mike Marshall, Marco Pereira, Marco Fadda, Riccardo BarberaClick Here To V...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 14:11:00 GMT

Beppe Gambetta teaching at the Jorma Kaukonen summer workshop in Big Indian, NY

JULY 6 - 10, 2009FULL MOON RESORT GETAWAY WEEKEND, BIG INDIAN, NYBEPPE GAMBETTAThe workshop will focus on flatpicking and plectrum techniques developed in the American and European Roots-Music from ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 12:13:00 GMT

New CD "Rendez-vous" Italian Reviews

.."Molti appassionati di world music lo ricordano per Traversata e Serenata, progetti a caccia delle antiche note italiane dei virtuosi di corde che solcarono l'Oceano. Altri ne apprezzano il tocco su...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 17:38:00 GMT


"It has been a huge music celebration, a unique occasion to see, all together, four exceptional artists: Beppe Gambetta, Jim Hurst, Missy Raines and Bruce Molsky. The Acoustic Night n. 8 at the Teatro...
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 04:20:00 GMT