About Me
i grew up in los angeles for in 19 years
inspired by graff by my neighbor
SONE aka PRIMO D , and
buffalo gals video that had graffiti
done by BRIM ONE NY
SONE inspired me to breakdance and do letters
SONE could rock some dope letters
then in 1984 we started the L.A BOMB SQUAD in
1985 we started k2s kill to sucseed five alive in 85
we w crime ,prime,cartoon,risco,defer
then we painted bellmont, radio tron , youth center
in los angeles by mcarthur park...we were one of the first graffiti ARTIST in los angeles
to do burners, prod, pieces etc
then we discovered a yard by pan pacific
on old film studio, west coast artist yard
pan pacific
i was fortunate to able to paint there
it was like painting in BEVERLY HILLS
then i met SOON from NY
he busted some dope shit, soon
was a lil more advanced than your average joe
he used to kick it with LEGIT from young lordz
these guys were a head of there time,,..
earliie eighties rockn
we did a prod at pan pacific 8586
then they closed down the radio tron
they put a halt on everything,
it was like we were homless
they evicted us
that led us to alot of trouble