La cultura es pasiónHi! Im Anthony Tomas AlmanzaI live everyday as if it were my final. Love where I work and everyone there is an amazing individual(HTC piercing). In more than one way they are my family, always watching out for me.
I love meeting people , any and all kinds :] Dont feel stand offish to talk to me. Im just like you except a little weird looking hahaha
Stay posi!!!!
Im Into:
Fixed Gears(FBM,BMW,Bianchi, etc.)
Music(Diy hardcore,crust, grind,ambient etc.)
Body Modification in particular irezume and Large stretched piercings.
Introspection through contemplating reality
Cultures other than my own
Riding with my friends and laughing at myself
Life lessons early so I can get them over with
Being from Mesa
Being five foot nothing, but six foot in my head