El Perrito.... no me caes bien!!! profile picture

El Perrito.... no me caes bien!!!

I am here for Friends

About Me

no one ever said that life was fair and I'm not saying that it should be so knowing that you are where you want to be and I'm not comes as no surprise but don't expect me to be happy for you and don't smile at me and tell me things will work out for me too I don't want your pity... I hate your pity

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Kid FacePlants Hard On Half Pipe

I'd like to meet:


toda la musica me gusta todos los generos me gusta mucho the used , nfg, taking back sunday ,, muchas bandas cooombianas ,


dony darko el efecto mariposa das experiment running scared ,,requiem for a dream


mad tv,, mtv 2,, espn cosmovision telepacifico, y telehumor fox


Álbum de récords Guinness


lance armstrong