I like the night. I like surrounding myself with people who I can be open with. Sometimes I like to surround myself with people who can put me out of my comfort zone. I am a misfit. I love the rain. I'm a punk. I don't think my music taste is better than yours. There are many bands out there that I probably love and have not heard of. I love how everyone finds the bands that say what they never could put into words. Music reminds me I'm not alone. This is probably why I attend a show a week. I am known as K-Mouse. I'm a tomboy so, yes most of my friends are guys. During productions I like to be the lighting guru or the grip while other times I like to be the cameraman. In the meantime I am a film projectionist. I need coasters under my drinks. Teapots, trains and fireplaces make me nostalgic. I sleep in the fetal position. My heart is always exposed and therefore broken many times like any living creature with a conscious. I hate it when friends just grow apart, some unworldly force should never let it happen. I like guys who wear their heart on their sleeve, and I will fall for them every time. I love to sing but sometimes feel like playing drums or guitar instead. I love writing lyrics yet they have no choruses, but somehow it works. Hopefully one day i will join my passion for music with my love of video/film. Maybe one day I will be content. I know that I am trying my hardest.
"Alas," said the mouse, "the world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I must run into."
"You only need to change your direction," said the cat, and ate it up.- Franz Kafka
a small mouse peeked out from a hole beneth the stairs
nearby to where my dad sat in his favorite chair,
thinking about the gov't and muttering a prayer
so I scattered some oats in hopes she'd stay
and sat still to stop from scaring her away-
but she hurried on her little way
and scurried around my mind
ever since, every day-mewithoutyou......