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Get to Know Me
...About You...
Eye Color blue
Hair Color brown
Height 5'2
Favorite Color blue
Screen Name idk
Favorite Band nickleback
Favorite Movie joy ride
Favorite TV Show will and grace
Your Car ford
Your Hometown WJ
Your Present Town london
Your Crush's First Name edwin...married to him now
Your Grade huh?
Your Style it dont matter
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop once
Kissed someone in the rain pfft no
Danced in a public place no
Smiled for no reason sometimes
Laughed so hard you cried im not sure
Peed your pants after age 8 no
Written a song no
Sang to someone for no reason no
Performed on a stage no
Talked to someone you don't know i use to
Made out in a theater no
Gone roller skating since 8th grade no
Been in love ya duh...
...Can You...
Write with both hands no
Whistle not tryed in along time
Blow a bubble no
Roll your tongue no
Cross your eyes ya
Touch your tongue to your nose almost lol
Dance no
Speak a different language no
Impersonate someone no
Cook anything all time time
...Finish The Line...
Take this survey How is your soul? [pics]
Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you don't know them. If you see a person trip you worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones first and you're very mature. When someones sick you're nurturing and always try to help family and friends when failure strikes them. You can be called the motherly one, if you are in a group of people, which doesn't have to be bad. Love is something that's already in you and you have a lot to give whether you believe it or not. Your friends probably love you very much and come to when they need help since you're reliable. People can feel secure with you and generally like you.
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You Are 39% Bitchy
You're a pretty sweet person, and you're definitely not prone to bitchy outbursts.
Sometimes, though, you can't help thinking mean thoughts about people. But at least you don't act on them! How Bitchy Are You?