I am 100% Puerto Rican, born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. My African roots come from my Great Great Grandfather who was a slave named Ramon Forgas Rodriguez from Rio Cañas Abajo, Juana Diaz and was born in 1835. My native Taino roots come from the following people: my Great Great Great Grandmother named Dolores Casiano Cruz De Guzman, born in 1855 and from Guayabal, Juana Diaz; my Great Great Grandfather named Ramon Colon Aponte and my Great Great Grandmother named Dominga Colon Aponte, both from Rio Cañas Arriba, Juana Diaz. And of course, my spanish roots which comes from the following families in Juana Diaz: Santiago, Sandoval, Vega, Peña, Guzman, Rodriguez, Vargas, Rentas, and Sotomayor (originally from Mayaguez). My parents come from Rio Cañas Arriba and Rio Cañas Abajo (Balcanes), Juana Diaz.
I love my family, friends, culture, latin women, and tambores. The songs below will tell u about things I've seen and experienced in my life. Hit me up on [email protected]