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Health Activist

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE HEALTHY GLOW WEBSITE!We have devasted our food supply with chemicals such as pesticides & herbicides, with hormones & antibiotics, we have processed and we have genetically modified too many things to even mention. We have done all this and more in search of "convenience". How convenient is it today that few people can truly live a high quality life due to lack of good health?What's worse is now we have been forced to turn to vitamins and supplements to make up for the lack of nutrition we get from food and even they have become junk. What constitutes a "junk" vitamin? Well go check your bottles - if you see magnesium stearates, ascorbic acid, sodium benzoate (to name a few)then throw it out! Surprising huh? You can only obtain optimum health from living source nutrients. We have been programmed and are so used to hearing these fillers are OK that we don't see it as a problem. But it is a problem -maybe not an immediate one but these types of toxic fillers accumulate in your body and over time will affect your health.Do your homework and educate yourself. Go to my blogs and read about Cellular Resonant Frequency. This is not new stuff although it is amazing if you are new to the science of it- you cannot improve your health or maintain optimal health by putting poisons into your body. This is scientifically proven!My Health Activist mission is to educate that up to 97% of nutritional products currently on the market contain toxic substances -once again, no one can improve their health by taking products that are laced with opposing poisons. The Peak Energy Science program that I am actively involved in provides guiding light “Life Within” living source, highly scientific nutritional super foods -this will set the course for the worldwide nutritional and pharmaceutical industry, by providing complex 100% FOOD formulations!Once you know the truth about our food supply and Big Pharma and the Vitamin Industry it is incredibly disappointing. It is obviously about the money. I need your help in spreading the word about these dangers. Do this for yourself, your children and everyone you care about. Each person can make a "world" of difference. I hope I have just made a difference in your life!Education=Empowerment (empowerment doesn't understand excuses) FOR MORE INFO ON PEAK ENERGY SCIENCE CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ON STEM TECH HEALTH'S AMAZING ADULT STEM CELL ENHANCER CLICK HEREStemTech Health Sciences short video explanation CLICK HERE StemTech In the news and media CLICK HERE

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--------YOUR LIFE WILL BE WHAT YOU MAKE OF ITThe golden opportunity you are seeking lies within you.It's not in your environment.It's not in luck or chance,or in the help of others.It's all in you.There are opportunities all around you.If the door of opportunity appears closed, you must knock on it and keep knocking on it until it opens.You must become an opener of doors.You can develop your opportunitiesby applying persistence and tenacity to your possibilities.Success doesn't come to you.You must go to success.

My Blog

Learn how to Meditate part 2

Learn how to Meditate part 2 How did you do? Any great revelations? Comments please!
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 06:05:00 GMT

How to Meditate part 1

Learn how to Meditate part 1 What do you think of this one? I believe this is the best I have found!! Stay tuned for the next parts...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 06:04:00 GMT

The 20 Keys to Conscious Creation

Watch this video of The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 12:20:00 GMT

Induced after Death Communication

watch this you tube video about Induced After Death Communication!
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 12:18:00 GMT

The Gilgamesh Project -is eternal life possible? Activating the Pineal Gland

After you read this one I would love some feedback.   My strong interest in the pineal gland leads me to wonder about Melatonin.  Has anyone experimented with this product?  I am c...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 16:39:00 GMT

Animals are smarter than humans when it comes to feeding their children (opinion)

This is an article written by Mike Adams of News Target. This is such a great article you have to read it. But first I have to get this off my chest:I have two young children and it breaks my heart ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 16:18:00 GMT


GO TO MY SITE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HOW TO ALKALIZE! ALKALINITY-OYXGEN DISEASE CANNOT SURVIVE AN OXYGEN ENVIRONMENT!   The acid waste also sets the stage for the potentially devasting effects of a...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 04:03:00 GMT

Special ORMUS Elements abundant in Sea Water have exciting potential!

The Magic and Mystery of ORMUS Elements A concentrate of special elements abundant in sea water has exciting potential in improving the soil, increasing crop yields, assisting human and animal healt...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 18:36:00 GMT

Synthetic vs. Natural Vitamins

Background Info on Synthetic vs. Natural Vitamins (Q&A) Print-Friendly Version From the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) Last Updated: 2/28/2007 Note to reader: This...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 08:56:00 GMT

Alkalize to Energize!

After We Alkalize, We Need To ENERGIZE!Now, what does energize mean? Remember, every organ in your body works on this micro-electricity, this electrical magnetic vibrational frequency, made possible t...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:46:00 GMT