People with a brain in their head.! Cars, new friends, girlfriends, sports, working out, and staying out of trouble. That last one seems hard. To grow personally, mentally, and financially duh sucka.
anybody that has love for music and the good things in life. Anyone who is real and is not full of synthetic carisma.. A real person who knows who she/he is.I guess anyone who isn't full of s#@t !Someone who does tattoos so I Can get hooked up. haha
All Kinds...RAP and hip-hop, techno-club, etc etc... WTF i'm In tHe MoOd fOR..!
#1 in my to ten most favorite movie of all time...Bad Boys IITop 10: Talladega Nights.. Duh.! shake-n-bake Jet Li fearless Invincible Nacho Libre Happy Feet wtf? The Brake UP! Miami Vice X-Man (the last stand) Jack-Ass #2 F#$%EN SICK! BeerFest! (smokefest coming soon!)Idiocracy is aight. Employee Of the Month. You, Me and Dupree. Texas Chainsaw Massacre.Click sucks. Same shit over and over again. Big Momma's House is same thing.!!
#1 show of all time SCRUBSThe newzzz!! wheel of fortune jeopardy Millionaire
Self-Improvement books. From here to serenity is the best. other than that mostly magazines and fiction.
My son, if he wasn't here 6ft under I would lie. He is perfect and save my life. No more additives or people to bring me down because for him I will hunt anyone or anything down.For my son Gabriel.