Jane Bom-Bane profile picture

Jane Bom-Bane

About Me

Jane Bom-Bane performs original poems and songs to the on and off-beats of a bellowing harmonium. She also tells grown-up fairy-tales, sings songs to a small guitar and has visual accompaniments (hats which go with her songs and grow with her harmoniums, automata and other surprises).Recently, she’s been performing at her own cafe/venue in Brighton:Bom-Bane’s which features music, mechanical tables and marvellous cuisine. At the Edinburgh Festival she received the ’Spirit of the Fringe 2005’ award for music. Click Bom-Bane’s for cafe/venue website.

My Interests


Member Since: 07/03/2007
Band Website: www.janebombane.co.uk
Band Members: Round-a-Way Wrong Songs available online: CLICKHERE
Sounds Like:

Myspace Editor

Record Label: Wrong
Type of Label: Indie

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