The one with all the answers.
The Killers, Yellowcard, Fall Out Boy , Johnny Cash, 3 Days Grace, Damien Rice, Jason Mraz, The Last Real Deal..and the list keeps on going
Face Off, Season 1 of the O.C., Troy, Braveheart, Van Wilder, Supper Troopers, Team America: World Police, The Family Man, Blade trinity, Invincible, and I have had it with these Mother fucking snakes on the mother fucking plane!
Espn, Insider, Arrested Develoment, Sufring comps, and forever and alwasy Entourage.
Mens Health, FHM, Harry Potter, Act Now, Audition: everything the actor needs to know to get the part.
God and my parents...I'm a momma's boy can't hide it, and those undocumented.