Rosalie profile picture


About Me

Okay, I love . . . spending time with my beautiful friends . . . dancing so much you swear your legs will look like Tina Turner’s in the morning . . . enjoying a good meal with the people you love . . . when a favourite song comes on the radio and your butt just starts to dance . . . when you purchase something that you just love, even if it is a $2 trinket . . . a good bottle of red wine and better yet, sharing it . . . laughing over childhood memories . . . dreaming about the future . . . discovering who you are . . . when you have laughed so hard your stomach hurts . . . traveling . . . when you achieve something you never thought possible . . . the sound of children laughing . . . when every corner of your house is completely spotless and organised . . . when people say they are proud of themselves . . . the smell of rain on the dirt . . . learning about the world and life . . . eating mangoes in summer and getting covered in stickiness . . . being happy!! yellow paisley myspace layout

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I think I would chop off a leg to meet Patti Smith - I totally adore her!! It would also be great to have a chat with the likes of Bob Geldof and Bono. Would love to have a beer and a fag with Janis Joplin (though I am sure she is probably not looking or smelling too flash these days). Finally, even though she would completely scare the shit out of me, I would love to meet Peaches - what a woman!!

My Blog

Yeah . . . people have the power!!

As Patti Smith has always sung to me . . . people have the power!! I have desperately wanted to believe this as I sang along to her over the years she has screamed out my CD player . . . however, I sa...
Posted by on Mon, 28 May 2007 09:03:00 GMT

Eradicating Poverty (a g&t fuelled conversation)

I take a long time to warm up to people . . . so for me to got head-first into a lengthy discussion with a virtually unknown individual is quite out of character. What was great was that we skipped al...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 20:04:00 GMT