I love to dance and have fun (but then again who doesnt!!!!) and hang out with friends and family.
The hot sexy boi from Step Up! Yum Yum...Paul Walker,Owen Wilson ummm... anyone who i think is sooo sooo YUMMY!!!! hehehe
A bit of everything really, Sneaky Sound System, Gwen Stefani, Cassie, Ministry of Sound, Sarah McLeod, Royksopp, Nickelback, Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna, Nelly Furtardo, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, TV Rock, Rogue Traders, P!nk, Black Eyed Peas, Fergie, No Doubt, Nick Skitz, Rob Thomas, The Veronica's, Amy Lee, Seether, Dido, George, JT, Steph Mach, Scissor Sisters.
How to Loose a Guy in 10Days, The Break-Up, Honey, any comedies or soppy romantics, and scary stuff if i have company! STEP UP!
Savy Ally http://savyally.bebo.com/
Neighbours...Everbody Needs Good Neighbours...The OC...CSI
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The Dream Book
Hey Darlins
Just wanted to thanks you peoples heaps for always being their for me. I would be absolutely lost with out ya's!Keata and Lindy! - you two are my two best buds for life. You are two of the most gorgeous girls i know and you guys always cheer me up when i'm down, there is never a dull moment with ya's!NATE - you have always been there for me and we have been through ALOT this last year, moving and stuff. And you know i'm always here for you like you were there for me. You my fave Best and Less bud, not that there is much to choose from...LOL..but i love ya all the same!!! And your soo soo EVIL!Empire Beads Girls - hey honeys i love you girls to absolute death. you have been there for me and i can never thank you guys enough. Liss you are an awesome chick who has sooo much potential and your such a beautiful girl. Ami you are such a bright young girl who i know will go along way. You have such style and so much talent so use it! LOL Bindi my beading friend i love ya to death and you have so much a head of you, you are such a nice person to be around and i love you heaps for that!Ally Girls - You guys are always there for me and i've so enjoyed workin with you all and hanging out with ya's! I feel like if i didnt have you guys around i wouldn't be as crazy as i am today...LOL! Tamara - your my darling who makes work not seem like work. You are such a beautiful girl who always has fun and it's never boring when your around! Jordan - your such a bright young girl who when i first met you i thought you were like my age but your 4 yrs younger than me!! Whats going on?! You know i love ya to death and your such a groovy girl! Never let anyone tell you otherwise!! Cindy - Your such a lovely sweet girl and i enjoy working with you! Your always bright and bubbly and so damn innocent! Jk, LOL. Liz - Your my glenny boss and i love ya to bits! i'm so happy for you, you've got so much and your younger than me! Be proud of who you are and stay true to yourself! Cate - I havent known you for long but your a heaps nice girl to be around and we are on the same wave length! Na you's are cool and i love you all!Roya - you are my absolutle bestest bud who i do believe it was fate for me to meet you...written in the stars as they might say. I miss you heaps and i will be over there one day to visit you so be prepared! LOL. You have always made sense of every situation that i need help with and your a really special person hun so don't you ever forget that!The Oakley's - My Mudgee Family, i love you guys to death and you are a bunch of sweet, kind and caring people, i love you guys alot, and thankyou for always being there for me, you made Mudgee the best for me, keep up the smiles and fight the tears! nothing in life is a waste and dont ever regret anythin you do! sending you guys all my love! Miss ya heaps Mel!!! give mick a big kiss 4 me!! LOLScott - Your my bud all the way over in WA! We've had some good times back in good ole Mudgee and hopefully we keep having good times. I miss having you around and your such an awesome guy with great potential!Brett - You are the closest person to me and i hope that never changes. You are so good at your job and you know so much about it. And you wouldnt have it any other way. Stay true to who you are and reach for the sky! And when your a big famous chef i'm your 1st customer! Love Ya!I love you all with all my heart and! Always follow what you believe and know that you are all special! xx