What up? I'm Matt and I'm just a regular guy with just a few things special. I skate my longboard, or cruise my choppa, across the city to get around. It's great for exercise, and it allows me to be able to see what's around me. You'd be surprised the beauty this over-grown truck stop can hold.
I'm happily with the most beautiful girl around. She can make you laugh, think, cheer up, get you to try somethin new, change it up, all sorts of shit. She goes by Bonez, with a 'z' cause she's cool like that. haha. She has one of the biggest hearts I've ever met, and that's why she's my lette!
I can put together computers (and fix them half the time,) as well as fuck an asshole up if I need to. I'm one of those brains and brawn packages. And I wont ever lie, cheat, or steal because a grown man doesn't need to. Fuck with me or my family, and you'll find yourself six feet under.
Now to show off my lighter side, I can be somewhat of a funny guy at times though I don't try, I'm just a big dork and can get quick witted with it. I love steaks, breaks, outtakes, lakes, ice-cream shakes in the summer, and cross-town skates on my longboard. Now you might wonder why I say such random things, it's because I believe those little types of things are what makes life grand. That, and Comedy Central... and a big red Koolaid Pitcher man busting up in your room yelling, "OHHHH YEAAAAAAA!"