Prone to Being:
Messy - Wild - confused - Loud - Anxious - Determined - Strange - Funny - Twisted - Sinister..I balance my own light and dark on the tips of my fingers...Im one of those people were it's either 100% full power or nothing at all I dont like to do things half arsed. In my past i explored the Gothic/Industrial metal and Grunge scene eventually finding comfort and freedom within the psychedelic family. To this day my focus is on Traveling,Music,FrIeNdS,DJ'ing,Saving that evil money stuff,pondering the future, worrying less & Laughing more. Family,Friends goals & ambitions keep me alive. And those itching questions that eat at my mind i can never find the answers for.
DoNt Be AfRaId ThAt YoUr LiFe WiLl EnD
Be AfRaId ThAt It WiLl NeVer BeGiN..
Background from Google search result ..
This is Sik Check it out!!!