tonight we will deny that time is passing by profile picture

tonight we will deny that time is passing by

american boy

About Me

I guess it really depends on who you ask. Some people will tell you that I’m a conceited materialistic prick. To them, I would say: I’m not really that conceited. Yea, I joke a lot, but i wish that I had half the confidence I pretend to have. I used to be really insecure, and I guess that I am just more comfortable with myself than I ever have been, so if that means I’m conceited, so be it. Now, about the materialistic part. I like nice things. But really, who doesn’t? I don’t have to justify myself to anyone, especially about something so stupid as what I buy. So if you really have that big of a problem with how I spend my money, maybe its best that we don’t talk.Some people will tell you that I’m a pretty nice guy with some flaws. Not only do I like those people better, but I think they’re more correct than the previous group. I really try my hardest to be there for the people I care about. Sometimes, I can’t be there as much as I would like to be, but all I can hope is that people realize how much I care about them and see that I try my best. People have told me I’ve changed a lot recently, but I don’t really think I have. Family, my friends and school are still my #1 priorities, and I think that if you boil it down, that’s the best way to judge a person’s character—by what they care about the most.

My Interests

school, family, friends, music, money, clothes, work, computers/technology, tv, movies, office supplies, languages, traveling, success

I'd like to meet:

Ok, I’m obsessed with celebrities. Whatever. I want to meet all of the beautiful people that frequently grace the cover of the tabloids I so habitually purchase. I want to be important like they are, I want to be known like they are, I want to dress like they do, and I want to be exclusive like they are. I want people to want to take my picture as badly as they want to take theirs.There are a few people that I put in a special category, though. I would love to meet Sarah Michelle Gellar. I remember taping “welcome to the hellmouth” and just knowing that that was going to be THE show. I watched it all 7 years that it was on, and I still watch it on DVD. Therefore, I would like to meet Sarah Michelle Gellar. Not only because it would be the coolest thing ever, but also just to say thank you.I would also like to meet Felicity Huffman. I truly believe she is probably the nicest person on the planet. Simon Cowell is probably really nice too.


I like all different kinds of music.. I will listen to anything.. I have a pretty good mix on my ipod, and if you play it on shuffle I think you would be surprised at some of the things you would find. I do have preferences though.. on any given day I usually have a song of the day, week, and month.. if you are THAT interested in my music preferences you can call me up and I’ll fill you in. right now, my favorites are beyonce, Justin timberlake, fergie, amy winehouse, and jordin sparks.


Crash is my favorite movie of all time. Most of the time, when I watch a movie, if I really like it or if I don’t really like it, it all gets put into the big database of movies in my mind. Crash has been able to stay a lasting favorite, so that’s why ii said it first. I have seen some really good movies in theaters lately, but out of fear that I will date myself and let people know how very infrequently I update my myspace, I will refrain from listing specific movies that I have seen recently.


Like I said before, buffy the vampire slayer was, is, and will always be my favorite television show. I also like American idol, desperate housewives, alias, csi, the simpsons, friends, king of queens, everybody loves Raymond, best week ever, the fabulous life, etc.


I don’t read as much as I would like to. And I’m not going to list books here, because that would only look like I read more than I do.


anyone who knows how to fix the mistakes they’ve made.

My Blog

is it me?

is it just me? lately i keep finding myself getting annoyed at people's problems. or "problems". i hate to sound like a jerk, but recently i just don't care.. now, don't get me wrong. if someone ...
Posted by is this how i'm going to be remembered? on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 06:18:00 PST

notes on a scandal

i just saw notes on a scandal, it was good.  i'm tryin to think of something philosophical to write here, but i'm drawing a blank i'm surprisingly shocked and somewhat disappointed at how someti...
Posted by is this how i'm going to be remembered? on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:24:00 PST

so i was watching desperate housewives tonight...

so i was watching desperate housewives with my mom tonight (i know, how many great stories have started with this line?).. and one part of it especially stood out to me. as lynette sat crying in her ...
Posted by is this how i'm going to be remembered? on Mon, 07 May 2007 09:32:00 PST

To Himself

To HimselfGiacomo Leopardi  Now you may rest forever,My tired heart. The last illusion is deadThat I believed eternal. Dead. I can So clearly seenot only hope is goneBut the desire to be decei...
Posted by is this how i'm going to be remembered? on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 04:03:00 PST