"Mondayontv" was the name of a pop-rock band from Pesaro, composed by Claudio Donzelli (now singer/songwriter known as Athebustop) on vocals, guitar and piano, Giacomo Blandi on the guitar, Lorenzo Pastore on the bass and Alessandro Baldelli (now playing with The Fanciful) on the drums. In the former times (1998-2003) the drums were played by Stefano Bertuccioli, who took part to the band's birth together with Claudio and Lorenzo, and the band was called "The Trust".
In 2000 the band decide to sign a contract with Load Up Records, a division of Red House Recordings, to make its debut album. The album, called "Something Said For The Future", recorded and engineered by David Lenci and Andreas Venetis, mastered by Antonio Piazza, comes out in January 2004 and the band hit the road with a long series of gigs around Italy.
In 2003 the band wins the precious prize of Fanote Festival.
The real reasons why in 2005 the band suddenly broke out are still partially unknown.