With the monicker "Sharpened Razor", Germano Quintaba' (Vocals and Drums), Fabio Monti (Lead & Rhytm guitar, Bassguitar) and Luciano Monti (Lead & Rhytm guitar) recorded the never published demo called "Mors tua Vita mea" in 1997. The band entered into a contact with Sacred Metal Prod. in 1998 with the new monicker CENTVRION. Recruited a session rhytmic section, the earthquaking hypermaniacs, published in 1999 their debut album called "Arise of the Empire" in the vein of the best metal colossus of eighties like Judas Priest and Accept. The album received great responses from magazines and metal kids all around the world with very positive reviews and powerful live acts. In 2000 Centvrion published the second CD called "Hyper Martyrium" with a new rhytm section. The power of beginning meets the Bay-Area trash with a very explosive sound, devasting impact and corrosive hyper riffs. Positive reviews from the metal world and flaming live acts increase the popularity of the unrestrained Italian Metal War Machine, CENTVRION became a reality. The success culminated with the live exibithion at "Gods of Metal 2001" on the same stage with Judas Priest, Motorhead, Megadeth, Wasp, Savatage, Gamma Ray and many more.With the ultimate and solid rhytm section (Massi Ricci at bassguitar and the new killing drummer Emanuele Beccacece), Centvrion burn the stage of the "Italian Attack Festival" in March 2002, with the best Italian metal bands, by tremendous killing songs, bestial metal voracity, honour and pride.In September 2002 was published the 3rd album called "Non Plus Ultra" under Scarlet Recs. After some shows, in 2003 Gianluca Mandolesi replace the bass player Massimiliano Ricci and the band have the honour to play at the "Agglutination Metal Festival" in August 2004 with bands like Iron Saviour,Crystal Ball, Marduk; after that the band start working on new killing album "Invulnerable" under the flame of Dragonheart Records.
Now the new album INVVLNRABLE is ready to conquer the hearts of all the metal fans around the world!