pZ m guZta el gRaffiiTi la musiiCa bailaR ii andaR en el centRo de roL
__________ Taking back sunday.. Silverstein.. Eyes set to kiLL. FFTL... 30 seconds to marZ.. 4Ymedio.. 2 minutoZZ.. inpuT.. 6 voltiioZ.. a thoRn foR every heart.. artic monkeYs... dinamite.. boca floja.. antHrax.. aTreyu.. bless the faLL.. BRMC... Box car race.. Cañaman.. The diztiiLLerz.. the casualites.. colchon.... Gondwana... dezariie.... Blink 182... +44.... aWa... Los de abajo... malDiita vecindad.. panteon rococo... Led zepeLLin... Guns N Roses... AerozmiTh... MetaLLica... Air bag... Elis paprika... Ximena sariñana... InterpoL.. Insite... The braveRy... DescaRtes a kant.. kiTTie... Eths... Placebo... Miisfits... Garage 646... Cortesh... bOb maRley.. ParamoRe.. Flyleaf... Evanescence... koRn... Cafe tacvba.. funeRal foR a fRiiend.. finch.. noFx... RamoneZZ... Sex pistoLs... Papa roach... Muse.... Iron maiden.. SOAD.. Jessy bulBo.. jaguaRez... Tijuana no... Expensive taste... skazi.. Dj omaR seven... Infected mushRoom.. In this momenT... Damian jR maRley.... caRtel de santa... BengaLa... soDa estereO... maNa.. GraffiTTi 3x... the Devotchkaz.. Heroes del silencio... JimmY eat wordL... Taller para niiñoZ.. velvet revolver.. La tremenda coRte... keLLy ozbouRne.. Linki paRk... Thermo.. Ely gueRRa... Mago de oZ... Masacre 68... Mozart season..... HawtHorne eigHts... plain white Ts.... The cure.. Devil wears prada.... The dooRs... The hiiveS... The hoRRors.. The strokes.. Transplants.... The used.. The varukeRs... Orgy.. niRvana.. OxymoRon.. QueeN.... Zoe.. sussiie 4.. Qbo.. poRter.. radiohead.. SEguimos perdiendo... Sin dios.. Sepultura.. finDe.. Ska-p.. Since the flooD.. Smashing pumpkins.. Sum 41.. Slayer.. Yeah Yeah.. tooL.. The clash.. uNderoath.. Victimas del dR cerebRo.. Black flag... aLesana...
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siid viiciious¡¡¡ Che guevaRa miiz papaz! ii lOoz ramOOneS