Hiya people, name's Nichole! Thank you for coming to visit! Now...about me. I have two little brothers, the oldest of the two being 10 years apart from me. Yes, that is quite a big difference!
I go to the University of Hawaii at Hilo and am currently getting a BA in Anthropology and Political Science. I do not know how many times I have changed my major and minor but this time I am done. haha. One never knows though, I may come back someday and get another degree.
After getting my bachelors degree, I hope to get my masters in some area of Political Science. At this moment I have NO clue as to what area, but I will figure that out in time. Iam not exactly sure what I want to do after all the schooling. There is the possibility of becoming a proffesor, but I am not sure if I want to get a PhD yet. I definately want to travel though! There is still a lot for me to learn before I can decide what I want to do.
I am a very shy person and have the hardest time saying hi to people sometimes! I am going to try really hard to work on that! I have worked on this partially by getting involved with school activities. I find many of them to be very fun and rewarding!
Okay...I will get back to this later