Myspace Layouts About:
Name: Janet
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 5' 6
Weight: Yeah right
Shoe Size: 8 1/2
Ethnicty: Cuacasian
Birthdate: December 28, 1980
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Job: Paralegal Have You Ever:
Been Sky Diving?: No
Gone Bungee Jumping?: No
Left The Country?: Does Canada count
Left The State?: yes
Been On An Airplane?: yes
Beaten Someone Up?: Im a lover not a fighter
Been Beaten Up?: Nope
Swam In The Ocean?: yes
Broke The Law?: yes
Smoked?: yes
Chewed Tobacco?: yes
Drank?: alot
Been Kissed?: yes
Been In Love?: yes
Dumped Somebody?: yes
Been Dumped?: yes
Broken Somebody's Heart?: I think so
Had Your Heart Broken?: I thought it was but it was just wounded
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back?: of course who hasn;t
Broken A Bone?: just my toe, same one 4 times
Had Surgery?: do wisdom teeth count
Had An X-Ray?: yes, b/c Im a clutz
Failed A Class?: God no
Failed A Grade?: nope Favorites:
Color: Black
Food: Italian
Drink: Bud light
Snack: Bud Light
Cereal: Probably coco puffs
Ice Cream: anything with Marshmallows in it.
Candy: whatchamacallits
Store: Target
Restaurant: Olive Garden
Fast Food Place: Wendy's
Animal: My Dogs
Quote: Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take but the amount of moments that take your breath away
Sport To Play: Volleyball
Sport To Watch: Hockey or Football
Movie: Big Fish, Wedding Crasher
TV Show: Grays anatomy and The girls next door
Actor: Johnny Depp
Actress: Rachel McAdams
Cartoon Or Anime Character: Scooby-Doo
Video Game Character: Tiger Woods (Im addicted to Tiger Woods Golf on my X-box, its horrible
Type Of Music: First and foremost Country, and pretty much anything else
Band: Tonic, Metallica Ludacris
Song: right now "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood Which Do You Like Best:
Pepsi Or Coke?: Pepsi
Vanilla Or Chocolate?: Chocolate
Cake Or Ice Cream?: Both
McDonalds Or Burger King?: McDonalds
Love Or Money?: Love
Music Or TV: Music
Cat Or Dog?: Dog
Mom Or Dad?: Dad - Don't have mom anymore
Truck Or Car?: SUV
Ocean Or Lake?: Ocean - minus the sharks
Yahoo Or Hotmail?: Yahoo!
Google Or Yahoo?: Yahoo!
Light Or Dark?: Dark
Country Or City?: Country
Rain Or Sun?: Sun! Unless Im having sex then Rain The Opposite Sex:
First Thing You Notice: Face
Personality Or Looks?: both matter very much
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Doesn't matter
Short Or Tall?: Tall
Romantic Or Spontaneous?: Both
Sense Of Humor Or Sweet?: Both
Hook Up Or Relationship?: Depends what kind of mood Im in. Currently:
Feeling?: Happy it's Friday
Listening To?: you make me better by Fabolous
Want To?: Go home
Doing? (besides taking this survey thingy): working
Thinking About?: if Im going straight home or going to happy hour
Wearing?: Jeans, and a sheer top with ruffles
In Love?: Absolutly
Single?: Nope In Your Future:
Career?: Attoney
Marriage?: Someday
Kids?: a definate yes someday I'm a total attention whore so I filled out this survey about myself