Working hard on rebuilding a secure and healthy lifestyle
I find pleasure and comfort almost all varieties of tunes. Led Zeppelin, WEEN, HOT CHIP, The Flaming Lips, Janis Joplin, Black Sabbath, Nirvana and Ugly Casanova are just a few. On The First Day....They Were Kittens!
I have been borrowing a wide variety of movies from friends like every night.
Actually watching A LOT less TV then I have in years now that we are keeping busy back in P-town! Cannon and I both love PBS tho.
so I have mainly been reading children's (baby) books-the ones that barely have words but we make up fun fun stories each time through! Proudly I really enjoy that time each day we both look forward to. I should get a book for myself to read sometime. I have read more Dean Kootz then any other author.
I pretty freakin impressed by myself lately. I AM THE SHIT! Haha or at the least "SuperMOM"!